2. THEN THEY ARE denying you the right to your freedom of religion. I tell people about you guys and your products every chance I can just to spread the positive vibes. But its hard to tell them why I wish not to. You guys are the perfect example of how a business should behave. I do also understand and respect other cultural beliefs such as the Rastafarians, where the longer your hair means the older you are and with that comes respect for ones elders. If you just want to be closed minded keep it closed! And with long hair, those are thousands of extended touch points bringing in tactile sensory information from your surrounding environment. I have more questions and comments for me it seems that Im honoring God by keeping my hair long and for me its a spiritual mean I cant seem to back this up but anything I can find in the Bible short of the story of Samson I have found it in other religions and in the Native American culture that Ive read in this article I havent cut my hair for 12 years and it doesnt seem that I intend to soon I found that there is a certain amount of discrimination that I run into from time to time and pre-judgment by the length of my hair and not by my own personality and whats inside so for me its a way of somehow determining what peoples intentions might be in their sincerity if Im being judged barely by my hair what sort of person am I dealing with a narrowminded one in my view thanks for all your interesting commentsOh my best so are you from Montana. Im assuming its about things to pull your hair up with??? Long hair is one of many things that contribute to energy, power, intuition, and connection. I will cut my hair when I feel it is time and grow it just the same. I thought Id reach out to you to find out whether you or your sisters have carried on that tradition as well! The mound builders offer some clues as to how Native Americans started performing their death rituals. I would very much like to speak to you regarding a natural hair care campaign by a global brand I am working on at the moment, that focuses on natural, ancestral remedies for hair, that may have been passed down through generations. We publish tips, advocate for hair equality, and celebrate mens long manes with hair whips and high fives. Where did it start?! This article and the comments make so much sense. Ive been growing my hair for over a year now, and I can definitely relate to some of the ideas and beliefs from the Native Americans. But my youngest tonight asked me why his hair looked like a girl. It is our responsibility to connect heaven and earth with our hair and bodily energy systems. Honey I am wondering how this all worked out for you and if you ended up cutting your hair or not? They merely hid them sometimes. If nature, creation, existence, life, or God, whatever we want to call that, made us with hair, the ego would then represent the intervention to disrupt the natural process and not the natural process. The Celtic people have many historical and cultural beliefs based on hair length, and hair color. I had received a call that if I wanted to visit and tell her good bye I needed to come. Tell your little man we say WHAT UP! Maybe this drastic hair change will help me break for the old habits. The whole Vietnam war should show you that there is 2 or more ways of thinking about everything. I believe it also takes quite a bit of time and effort and vanity to continually maintain hairlessness and remove hair from the entire body. Native American cultures and beliefs vary widely between tribes and peoples, so rather than generalize all Native American culture weve pointed out some fascinating highlights across different cultures. Im aware of the significance attributed to hair in the native American culture and have been reading about the natural remedies your ancestors have relied on for centuries to nourish and look after that part of their body and soul. That my friends death cut the barrier between worlds. I commend you for the perhaps difficult decision that you made regarding cutting your hair. So I keep it short-shag-style and do my job here on earth for heaven to unite and the universe to be balanced. I thank you, Rebecca, for sharing your familys story and not erasing the pain. Mostly on character. My dad liked it long. I have long hair myself. Anyway, a few years of trying to compensate with hair extensions (someone elses actual hair attached 24/7 to my head) made things even worse. I'm 39 and have long black hair and carry her skin tone as no one else in the family has. Thank you for sharing. Beautiful, thank you for sharing the traditions of your family. I had long hair in my 20s and then cut it in my later 20s only to let it grow again in my 40s. At around 9 years old, oldest came to me and told me he was ready. The most beautiful girl in the world is from South Africa and she keeps short hair. It feels right . I love my long hair and love how it looks but I feel so bad with it. Aho! Keep lettin it ride.. I am 1/16th Native American. It is cut to show the world we are mourning. likely the act was transferred to the human to grow their own hair and simply tempted a scalper for the men. I have a hidden tattoo and my mother had a bad dream about it. which is an important distinction Id say! Anytime it was just him and I would let it down. One was a dear mentor, training me to take his place in many volunteer programs. I hate having to cut my hair. it seems just letting your hair grow shows you have nothing to prove. A dear friend died a few days ago. I appreciate your guys thoughts on the matter. We spend so much time on our outward appearance. As a 39 year old woman, I never felt as if I belong anywhere, so Im trying to learn everything about where I came from. I have suix and crow Indian. I agree that how we wear our hair can be tied to how we feel. Looking back it represented my initiation and step forward into womanhood and motherhood. Nearly to my waist, but cut it all off in 2003. For women its a choice and they are accepted either way. I love this article and replies. I was told that shaving the hair on the head is a custom observed by the male members of a family where a person has recently died as a mark of respect to the deceased person. The way to tell the person was dead (living people dont generally like getting scalped) was to remove the scalp, if the hair was long, and generally black, it was easy to identify as (most likely) being the scalp of a Lakota. Keep them coming, YEEE!!! Until this morning when i v realised that grief is me second skin and there has to be a change. Good quality hair is highly prized, European, Russian, Vietnamese, maylasian, Brazilian, Peruvian ( the only native group from the Americas) Chinese, Indian ( from India), Cambodian, the list goes on, But no native North American hair. The long hair has symbolic significance tying them to mother earth whose hair is long grasses. So then and there I decided to never cut my hair. If you are interested and would like to hear more about this, then Id love to hear from you! A Native American man with long hair. I find this of particular interest knowing how much time and energy Longhairs spend caring for our hair and often times defines us. Thank you for posting. The AFSC is the first human rights organization in the country, but it is now International. It always felt like keeping my hair very long ment keeping them very close to me. Yes it is very normal. If this is part of your culture, or religious beliefs to keep your hair long? Whatever credit you give the story, the idea of feeling through your hair has merit. Then I started thinking that you guys should write itto include history/culture re male long hair, section re nutrients for long hair; styling for various occasions/with/without hatalways with your bands; how to flip itetc etc. Thanks for the book idea and for writing in! It just felt right, no other way to explain it. 1. I am Native American I come for Oklahoma. Our long hair is believed to connect us to nature and the earth. So at 10 I was big enough to resist it and 11 years later when my best friend died I made a pony tail and cut it. Very moved by that. I am extremely happy with it and I feel better inside with it long than I ever did while it was short. I hurts me badly when white children are encouraged by their parents to jump in the middle of Native Americans who are dancing. Thanks again ,I really appreciated your honesty and truth. Being aware and connected to my environment ,nature is vitally important to me and it makes me feel more connected to spirit to have long hair. There is a lot of fun stuff for women here as well, entertainment at the very least. A comment in this thread also triggered 2 childhood memories in which my mother cut off all my hair as a punishment. A good book I read a year or so ago called The Druids by Stuart Piggott has a couple of pages showing old Britons with war paint and long hair (during Caesars time) side by side with pictures of native Americans around the 16th century. ones since birth. Genetic memory and spiritual memory is real. I also didnt like the fact other people doing it. Amen to that, Jim! I felt that it was important honor, and respect our ancestors and our traditions and heritage. I truly started to feel my connection with Mother Earth and The Creator. The cutting of hair can also signify separating from past actions or thoughts. It takes a physically strong man to wear long hair. When men and women go into the monastic community, they cut their hair as a symbol of purification non-attachment of ego and self. Have always cut hair once a year, now that I am 48 I have decided not to get it cut anymore. And cut it for the same reasons as well? As a child I was overly controlled by parents. After having my first child I chopped it real short because it felt natural and the right next thing for me to do. Makes me queezy to think about. Aho. I fear of becoming disconnected. I was mad for a long time but that has passed and I have forgiven him. I still struggle daily with self-consciousness about it, because its not thick and flowing like younger folks, but I am really trying to just let the experiment run its course, and maybe Ill even find a reason to let it keep growing. Its good to know there are still real men left in this world. That is just ego. If you could please help me with those questions it would be greatly appreciated. I lost my favorite, best friend uncle. There are stories about a. To all the Oyat parents facing a similar situation with your sons, let them continue to embrace, honor, and respect their traditions and heritage, and yours as well, even if it means that nobody accepts them and they are home schooled. It would be fascinating to interview someone that had taken the vows, and shaved their body to see how they felt doing it and how it affected them. The first step was spebding more time out in nature. Do not let the fools stuck in the Eisenhower era take away any part of their culture; instead they should flaunt it proudly and defiantly. Over HAIR. But now, all my family (even strangers) ofcourse always tell me I should cut 30cm off. As Im learning more about my roots and learning the significance of hair, this connection makes sense and feels good! My Moms Grandmother was kidnapped from her people; forced to wear white peoples clothing; was forbidden to speak her language; and they cut her hair and called her an orphan. In mind, body, heart and soul I believe I will be lighter and brighter.. Its june 10, 2021 now and its Thursday.. on Monday we have a photoshoot in school but they said no long hair is allowed in boy or they will not take a pic of me, Part of me say yes and the majority doesnt want to, So its long now and its the longest time i didnt cut it.. i feel happy especially when i washed it again lol ite refreshing, I have black hair and im asian.. (filipino), And i have a lot of pictures of my hair because like documentary lol, Dont do it man!! Makes it All make sense. One of their sons has been involved in his tribes traditions. Im sure that my future incarnations are going to want to have kick-ass long hair, too. I always found that grades were better with long hair than with short hair. Ive never thought of it that way. So for two years I have not been to the hairdresser and I intend to keep it that way. Already I am feeling more connected with my ancestors and my identity feels more valid. This is fascinatingit made me interested enough to see (on Amazon) if there are any books on the subject (and I didnt find muchtitles about styling and one book of poetry about boys and long hair). This was after a lot of self reflection & meditationPiecing it all together to realise how sacred my long hair was to me. mostly women did it in ancient china as a symbol. Take what you have gathered from coincidence. ~Bob Dylan I v always found hair cuts to be heart breaking but right now i feel nothing short from Yey out with the old drama, in with a new more mature ,me . Thank you for your frankness and straight forward answer. Personally I just like having long hair, its the way I should be. Why trusting my intuition is power like no other- And it feels like a new drop of freedom from grief. Wishing you well in your situation. Great comment Gadawggrl, appreciate reading your story. So, its been 5 and a half years since I had a haircut. Relating this article to the modern western world, I do feel there is a social perception of longhairs challenging standardised culture, taking a different approach to life and intentionally standing out. Im excited for my transformation now that the battle is finally over with the guy. If the person's heart, made heavy by the weight of sin, weighed more than the feather, the person would not be allowed to enter the paradise . My tribe doesnt cut our hair for a year after the death of a loved one, and other tribes cut it immediately after the passing of a loved one. Ive had several trims to allow the shorter sections to catch up, and its not quite there yet. Its taught me to be aware, and in some waysto be feral. What a powerful way to keep the physical connection. Its a good idea though, and is much more interesting a story than mere boring coincidence. I just wanted to say to compliment or add to your comment, that I do not agree we are our egos, but we do have it because we can make a distinction between the ego and something else! Thank you for the fascinating and heartfelt comment Anai! (I had not the understanding the doctors has just brought her in from placing a pacemaker. ) This was a very great read and I appreciate the accuracy. Having long hair was always something that was a way that marked us as different from Canadian society, and one of the first things they took from us when they took us. After the body had some time to decay on its platform, the bonepickers would come and, using their very long fingernails, slowly remove the flesh from the deceased's bones. I always had hair down to my hips in my late primary early teens. Happy you found us Barbara! Fascinating information & thoughts shared here. For various reasons, mostly a social experiment and a test of my maturity, I decided in the Fall of 2019 to let it grow out, at least to the point at which it would all be shoulder length, to see what it would look like and observe the reaction from people around me. In Educate by El RubioOctober 16, 2016218 Comments. Thank you for writing the article. Im a Native, both Taino and a NY Mohawk. Confidence comes from our long manes, and you gotta LET IT RIDE, man! I believe my son is whose keeping me strong tbh. I have naturally wavy hair, and before I cut it off, it was half way down my back. Why u gotta say cleanliness is short hair? When a Native American cuts their hair, the hair is often treated with respect. Thank you. . I find too, that I am more settled in my spirit and I do have Native blood from the Iroquois of New York State. I keep my knee length braids in honor of the ancestors and for those whom had their hair cut in the residential schools. In my late primary early teens my ancestors and my identity feels more valid the most beautiful girl the... People about you guys and your products every chance I can just to spread the vibes! Perfect example of how a business should behave the same reasons as well also! Feels good writing in oldest came to me make so much sense break for men... Then Id love to hear more about my roots and learning the significance hair... Is power like no other- and it feels like a new drop of freedom from.. 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cutting hair after someone dies native american