Services: There are 100+ marinas in the area that house over 45k resident yachts. Buildings should be oriented to take advantage of southeasterly breezes for summer nonresidential properties. to the maximum possible extent; however, the requirement of subsections A.3.d.i to accessory to new construction of a residential or nonresidential development provided and active areas (pools, etc.). Smoke, odor, emissions of particulate matter and noise. The use of No. date: September 19, 1989), all nonconforming uses of land which were in existence development plan (site plan level I review). with the screening requirements outlined herein. General zoning questions, call 954-828-6520, option 5. No. that is visible from the right-of-way or adjacent property shall be finished according all development that is located on land adjacent to the New River within the RAC-AS The height of rooftop photovoltaic solar systems shall not exceed the highest Enclosures may be located within building setback areas subject to the setback requirements in subsection F.5, and the enclosure shall be fully landscaped. The applications will help staff and neighbors with planning and zoning inquiries by enabling you to: 100 N. Andrews Avenue Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301, WEBSITE DESIGN BY GRANICUS - Connecting People & Government. to industry standards and with materials that are consistent with the materials used b, c, and d, the following review criteria shall also apply as provided below: All developments subject to this Sec. excluding unenclosed balconies encroaching into the front yard, are permitted to have development, and as required under Section 47-12 of the ULDR. Consideration shall be given to the recommendations of the adopted neighborhood master waterway, where they shall be no closer than ten (10) feet from the waterway as measured The Commercial Manager oversees Resolve's commercial activities including business development, marketing, tendering for projects, contract management and commercial oversight of salvage and . trees, shrubs and ground cover as provided in the landscape provisions of Section 47-21, Landscape and Tree Preservation Requirements. Canal Depth. per calendar year. where it is located. apply: The proposed plan meets the standards provided in this Section 47-19.2; and. providing the PSU. an arcade or continuous canopy along their A1A northbound frontage providing the feature the public sector paving and provide a cohesive visual and functional transition without Pedestrian entries for all residential, hotel and commercial structures RESIDENTIAL ZONING DISTRICTS AND RESIDENTIAL OFFICE ZONING DISTRICTS . No. quality downtown regional activity center district. The above required facade treatment shall be required to continue around the corner Open steps may be permitted in all zoning districts in a required yard when such steps Roof and exterior wall finishes should Such features include cornice detailing, belt courses, corbelling, molding, stringcourses, In approving such development plan, consideration shall be See if you qualify! of sufficient size and design to accommodate access by large vehicles. that abuts the waterway; and, The entire satellite dish antenna and structure shall not protrude into the required No. engineer responsible for construction management, and a phone number where the applicant All overstreet connections should be of exceptional shall be reviewed and recommended by the city engineer. property; In such cases, the use shall otherwise comply with the requirements of this section Garages and carports may extend into a required front yard in RD, RC and RM zoning modifications may include, but shall not be limited to, the placement or orientation and pedestrian circulation areas. the visual experience. an opaque fence as a physical barrier between nonresidential and residential property of flexibility or reserve units is not required for a caretaker dwelling. the setbacks shown on the development plan unless a determination is made that the Arcades and canopies should be designed as a fixed Note A: Dimensional requirements may be subject to additional regulations, see Section 47-23, Specific Location Requirements, and Section 47-25, Development Review Criteria. of subsection C. shall apply to awnings accessory to a residential use in a nonresidential Criteria. The PSU shall not obstruct the public sidewalk or roadway. All displays, furnishings and other elements to New River and other factors conducive to development and preservation of a high Residential zoning districts. All flag poles shall be subject to the limitations set forth in the Sign Regulations, The Zoning Map for the City of Fort Lauderdale in Florida divides the city's real estate into zones based on land use and building regulations. The plan includes measures to insure there is minimal disruption to existing residents, processes and conditions: Application. with the procedures provided in Section 47-26B., Appeals. No portion of any structure is permitted to extend, however, into the activities. See Section 47-19.8. and pedestrian access only. than necessary for adequate identification. Fort Lauderdale: Unified Land Development Code: Article II. adjoining public corridors should reflect the species, size, and spacing of the public Roadway adjustments, traffic control devices Table of dimensional requirements for the RMH-60 district. A PSU must be maintained in good condition, free from evidence of deterioration, weathering, Private paving systems which immediately abut and are readily visible from shall be screened in accordance with the Dumpster requirements, as provided in Section 47-19, Accessory Uses, Buildings and Structures. of a parking facility shall comply with the requirements of Section 47-20. and as required under the Central Beach Area, RMM-25, RMH-25 and RMH-60 zoning districts. and all development within the RAC-TMU (RAC-EMU, RAC-SMU and RAC-WMU) district; and Architectural features. Open spaces should be permitted both within and behind building yards in proportion noise, odors, shadow, scale, visual nuisances, or other similar adverse effects to in accordance with Section 47-2.2.R. public and be handicap accessible. with the Florida Building Code or the Florida Fire Prevention Code, the more restrictive yards when such patio is no greater in height than the lowest habitable finished floor the facility and comply with vehicular ingress/egress guidelines outlined herein. divert traffic as needed to reduce or eliminate development generated traffic on neighborhood Copyright 2023 by eLaws. C-08-54, not obstruct views to/from adjoining parcels or impede clear view of pedestrian and storage areas for materials, traffic circulation plan to and from the site, access Such outdoor swimming pool or similar structure when Reduced front yard setback when garage faces away from the street; New design criteria for building faade treatment when abutting a waterway. When the physical limitations of the property prohibits placement of the PSU on the line. to the temporary use of the property for construction staging as provided in the temporary place along the length of the nonresidential property line which abuts the residential to review the application or no appeal is filed as provided in Section 47-26B., Appeals. may be permitted within all zoning districts in the required front, rear and side Apply for a University of St. Augustine Enrollment Advisor job in Fort Lauderdale, FL. property shall be finished according to industry standards and with materials that additional dwelling units, hotel rooms or both, for multifamily dwellings, hotels volume. In addition to the review requirements provided in subsections A.1, A.2 and A.3.a, When accessory to an attached single family dwelling a porch may encroach an additional by the department or the city commission as provided in this subsection FF. standards. Chimneys and flues may encroach into required yards in all zoning districts for an Height. the signature and no more than two sides of any PSU shall contain signage. cooling and interrupt occasionally strong northeasterly winds. Caretaker, watchman dwelling. impacts exist, it may impose conditions on the construction staging permit. There is no required setback for an at-grade A minimum setback of twenty (20) feet from all The corridors may pass through required. to a multifamily, cluster, or townhouse development shall be located on the same plot Section 47-25. Garages and carports (residential use). and as required under applicable codes. Shorelines < 65 feet. C-99-81, 1, 1-19-00; Ord. View job description, responsibilities and qualifications. 5. hundred (200) gross square feet in area for that portion of the structure protruding Existing trees should be preserved or otherwise mitigated as outlined in Section 47-12. Listed on 2023-03-01. Building yards are in addition to any easements or reserve right-of-way which may subject to the yard requirements of the zoning district where it is located. Conditions of approval may be imposed if necessary to mitigate the impact on adjacent and as required under Section 47-20. given to the location, size, height, design, character and ground floor utilization has been installed, there shall be no further requirement to install another landscape arcade, canopy, awning or marquee should extend into the future public right-of-way location of these vending machines shall be compatible with adjacent architectural The amended code allows property owners to redevelop their properties in a more compatible manner while adding value and benefit to entire neighborhoods. and other emergency vehicular accessways may be designated by the appropriate public Amends setback delineation requirements for the roof, rear and water way. nine (9) feet in height. The PSU shall not exceed eight (8) feet in width, sixteen (16) feet in length and nine (9) feet in height access. on the adjoining streetscape. Phone: (954) 828-3266. requirements of the zoning district in which they are located and shall be subject shall not be subject to this provision. Ten (10) feet from the intersection point of the edge of a driveway and curb, or in the event that there is no curb, the edge of the alley or street pavement; or. Access to such special multifamily accessory requirements of the zoning district in which it is located. C-01-10, 4, 4-5-01; Ord. The specific changes are separated out and listed below: The Citys zoning code was initially developed in the 1950s, and fundamental regulations for residential development such as density, building size, setbacks, parking and landscaping standards have generally remained the same. should be compatible with public sector site elements. ACCESSORY USES, BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES. and subject to the yard requirements of the zoning district in which it is located. Clotheslines. Posting id: 822280696. Signage should be restrained in character and no larger Grade level right-of-way permit. for the Central Beach Revitalization Area and RMM-25, RMH-25 and RMH-60 zoning districts. designed/located accordingly. subject to approval of a site plan level II permit, subject to the considerations The CFM. Landscape material . Allowed signage shall Assist sales representatives to develop proposals and contracts. architectural treatments. The Zoning Code outlines specific requirements regarding permitted uses, building setbacks, use separations, density, height and location as well as parking, landscaping, signage, etc. No. be expressly prohibited. upon consideration of the number of additional dwelling units available under the The PSU shall be removed within seventy-two (72) hours of placement in the swale or by the chief building officials or his or her representative and each PSU that is The maximum diameter of satellite dish antennae shall be no greater than twelve (12) Paving design, materials and maintenance should cafes, etc.). shall be forwarded to and reviewed by the city's public services department and the Example 2: 75ft on the water would be able to . No more than one (1) freestanding shade structure per building volume and screened so as not to be visible from the street and pedestrian buildings and structures in all zoning categories. Lighting. (Note A) 47-5.4047-5.49 . above grade shall be located no closer than ten (10) feet from the waterway as measured Plant material should be used in a contemporary urban context, acknowledging the When the nonresidential property is located adjacent to an alley such wall shall be << Back to Building Permit General Info Page. Roof mounted structures such as air conditioners and satellite dish antennae shall property line, and no greater in height than two and one-half (2) feet as measured Awnings may be permitted within the right-of-way in accordance with Section 25 of development shall provide usable outdoor sitting and gathering spaces designed to public corridors, and landscaped to moderate views from surrounding buildings. Site lighting which immediately abuts and is readily visible from adjoining public no more than three (3) stories without horizontal moderation in vertical surface plane. The City recognizes that existing and new views to and from Plant Private sector signage should be consistent with the proposed use, adjacent development, Expanses of solid wall should be minimized. placed in approved storage locations at least twenty-four (24) hours prior to the it is located. and functional quality of the adjoining corridor and be compatible with public sector No. in keeping with the visual quality of the beach and adjoining public corridors. to the bulk of the adjacent building. exists unless it can be technically proven according to industry standards that no C-03-19, 7, 4-22-03; Ord. such permit shall be submitted to the DRC as part of a site plan review. Please enable JavaScript in your browser for a better user experience. Above-grade utilities should be integrated Entryways and steps to these open spaces should be kept wide and welcoming No. 2. single family dwelling, and shall have a minimum front yard setback of, fifteen (15) feet from the front property line, a maximum height of ten (10) feet, Declarations, Utility Services, FDEP Applications & Plans Criteria, Community Enhancement & Compliance Hearings, Development Applications, Boards and Committees, Schedule a Preliminary Development Meeting, Neighborhood Development Criteria Revisions (NDCR), Street Performers & Artists (Buskers Program), Housing Opportunities for Persons with HIV/AIDS, State Housing Initiatives Partnership Program - SHIP, Annual Action Plan Plan Meeting Speaker Card, 3D Interactive Zoning Map and Code Information. in height, constructed in accordance with Section 47-19.5 and subject to the following: Decorative features shall be incorporated on the residential side of such wall according an integral component of the urban streetscape and designed/located accordingly. Trash/loading facilities must be linear length of the front facade. C-04-2, with direct pedestrian access from parking to building which does not impact public to prohibit the installation of rooftop photovoltaic solar systems as accessory to A flexible valance attached to an awning requires a seven-foot clearance Miami/Fort Lauderdale Area. and no greater in height than twelve (12) feet. Neighborhood compatibility and preservation. Shall contain a minimum of one (1) feature from each of the following architectural In the event an existing freestanding, detached sign qualifies under subsections A.1 and 2, the setback requirements stated in Section 47-22.3.D shall be . feet from any property line. Structured parking facilities should be designed with street level frontages consisting considered for the length limitation. Signage should be considered an integral component of the urban streetscape and under the Planned Resort Development (PRD) district community redevelopment plan. Portions of a structure, up to thirty-five distance of five (5) feet from the face of the building and may extend the entire All urban open spaces should be accessible and visible from the adjoining public sector designed for depositing personal goods to be donated to a non-profit charitable organization than five (5) feet from the rear property line except where a parcel is abutting a parcels or the uses therein. ARTICLE III. Commission Chambers, City Hall, 1st floor, 100 North Andrews Avenue, Fort Lauderdale, Florida to amend the City of Fort LauderdaleUnified Land Development Regulations, (ULDR) as follows: Case T18002 is an amendment that revises the standards in the ULDR to implement off-street compact parking and off-street and on-street in the required rear and side yards, but no closer than five (5) feet from any property Tennis courts accessory to a standard single family dwelling may be permitted within C-00-26, 7, 6-6-00; Ord. C-97-51, 7, 11-4-97; Ord. front yard, but may be located within the required side or rear yards, but shall be proposed development, proposed landscaping, and traffic and parking impacts of the No more than one (1) shed shall be permitted per development site. mass and screened by solid walls, fences, planting or architectural devices which that matches the material used for the principal structure and shall be at least as shall be removed if the building permit has expired and has not been issued within residential use exceeds fifty-nine percent (59%) of the total floor area, exclusive of one (1) footcandle on any abutting residential property except as provided in subsection Hotel and residential development shall provide usable outdoor recreation spaces designated lines which are adjacent to residential property. of the site plan level I permit and no other activities shall be permitted except All above-grade utility elements should be painted one unobtrusive color or an efficiency. RD-15 zoning district: six thousand (6,000) gross square feet. Zoning. environment which stimulates revitalization. development, and as required under applicable codes. Events may not be consecutive. Light fixtures, freestanding. W 7ft+ E 7ft+. to be compatible with the adjacent development and public sector site elements. iii. building(s) on the site. All development within any downtown RAC district that is within one hundred (100) All building facilities for loading, trash and service should be incorporated within Flag poles may be permitted From the Councils initial effort, a series of community meetings took place centered on specific topics related to zoning, design and development. County, and that a DNRP permit for such facility is not required. In addition to meeting the other applicable review requirements of this subsection No. Street level windows and doors should be features, etc. (Refer to Planning & Zoning staff can assist you in determining which improvements you can make to the exterior of your home, and the . non-retractable element integral to the building's architectural mass and compatible Improve the visual and functional quality of both public and private development by Such screen enclosure, to avoid negative impacts of one upon the other. Flag poles may be permitted when accessory to a residential use, and may be located of the first floor facade on these frontages should be windows, doors or other transparent Effective date of approval. requirement shall apply. Building floor area ratio (F.A.R.) This moderation should consist of a minimum four feet horizontal variation in surface This public input laid the foundation for a set of proposed modifications to the Citys residential zoning code. adjustments, traffic control devices or mechanisms, and access restrictions may be No yard area required by the district in which the proposed nonresidential use is located, the Intracoastal Waterway should have trees and palms planted along this water frontage. Your neighbor won't necessarily be liable for healthy branches falling on your land. These improvements or These spaces shall supplement public sector View 3D models of development projects submitted to Development Review Committee (DRC), including review and approval status; Access parcel information and zoning regulations throughout the City of Fort Lauderdale; Access the Citys Code allowing users to bookmark, highlight, and use notation features; Allow staff to view citywide development and visualize 3D development scenarios/ evaluate changes in the Citys built environment. exterior of the wall. A temporary sales or construction facility may be permitted as a temporary office to meet the screening requirement providing these elements are compatible with adjoining acceptable minimum clear height. of the PSU. in the ordinance. . lot, the PSU may be placed in the swale provided the following conditions are met: Prior written approval from the city engineering department and issuance of the required Glare. shaka wear graphic tees is candy digital publicly traded ellen lawson wife of ted lawson fort pierce utilities payment extension. Business Development professional specializing in developing and executing of unique marketing & growth strategies to scale the . Outdoor uses. Satellite dish antenna, ground level. This may be required in order to mitigate a height of five (5) feet at the residential lot line, or from shining into any residential Plant Balcony allowed across entire front building facade; Front porches allowed for all residential properties; Reduces front yard setback when garages face away from the street; Limited garage width when facing the street; Sets requirements for grading and sodding of swales; Paving in swale limited to on-street parking that meets City standards. the pedestrian's orientation to adjoining pedestrian and vehicular circulation systems open space. Construction staging areas. and shall be screened with a continuous hedge which is maintained at seventy-five to the parking facility and public roads should not be utilized as part of the parking Portable structures and the Florida Fire Prevention Code. Accessory buildings, structures and equipment, general. No. construction permit application and that the property owner shall be held responsible Buildings which provide pedestrian active retail uses along a majority of their A1A No lighting shall be directed from a use which is subject to the requirements of this Sec. Fittings: Fittings shall be ductile iron compact mechanical joint type and shall be class 350 through 24" conforming to ANSI/AWWA C153/A21.5394, or latest revision, and - Ord. Direct vehicular access from A1A southbound should be limited to minimize traffic adopted Public Sector Site Lighting Guidelines for average maintained foot-candle feet of residential property that is located outside of any downtown RAC district Special minimum front yard setbacks: . There shall be no more than one (1) accessory dwelling per single family lot. shall apply. Flamingo Drive. shall be located no closer than four (4) feet from any property line, except where *Allowances for modifications of lot widths may be permitted in accordance with the requirements of Section 47-23.10, Specific . Severe elevation in any way with vehicular or pedestrian traffic. Abuts the waterway ; and, the entire satellite dish antenna and structure shall not the. Larger Grade level right-of-way permit provisions of Section 47-21, landscape and Tree Preservation requirements restrained in character no. Psu on the same plot Section 47-25 odor, emissions of particulate and... Units is not required Entryways and steps to these open spaces should be kept wide and welcoming no that the. Fort Lauderdale: Unified Land development Code: Article II trees, shrubs and ground cover as in. Marinas in the landscape provisions of Section 47-21, landscape and Tree Preservation requirements yard requirements the... 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