The only person Ive known to use this constantly is one of my least favorite people. I dont like please advise either, but there are so many other awful things people do either inadvertently or deliberately (passive aggression is the worst) I feel like I have to pick battles. Here are some formal options: 'Would you prefer for us to send the file today or tomorrow?' 'Please tell me whether you would like the file sent today or tomorrow.' 'Is it preferable for the file to be sent today or tomorrow?' 'Please contact us in regards to the preferred delivery date of the file. Tried to get ebay and paypal details in order send an invoice to me. I just had this situation the other day someone asked me to change something that I posted in our system. With a little picture of Puss in Boots from Shrek, holding his hat and with The Eyes. Please advise. She could have wrote let me know if you have any questions and I wouldnt have been offended at all. is it unprofessional to have an email address with 69 in it? Although I would agree that there are worse email offenses. I use it fairly frequently, usually in a context like this: We have a situation with the chocolate teapots. Heres an example: 1. Related Comparison let me know which hours suits you best or let me know which hours suit you best? Oh FFS we havent even closed this topic yet and youre diverting the attention to something else? + Read the full interview, I love TextRanch because of the reliable feedback. Its just a . ****ATTENTION: These bases have minor defects and are sold as is. papenfuss. I couldnt make the change because the combination of codes that she wanted me to use wasnt allowed. If its just an FYI, and theres no action, I dont put that, or any other question. That would annoy me, too. Every time I get an email that ends with please advise I want to send one back that says I advise you to stop ending your emails with please advise! That is the most annoying phrase ever! 2) People who hijack an email thread for an entirely different topic. Often, one person or department will need to make a decision that effects my clients. } Work days are long enough without added stuff. I know everyone has pet peeves, but for OP to think that its annoying and childish for using a phrase she doesnt like is a bit over the top. Do they already have cause the be upset with you? Especially if Im just showing up to help a busy desk (I work at a public library), it seems a lot more annoying to just plonk down behind the station and stare expectantly at the line until someone comes over to me. because thats how it is used. Or they are new and still learning the ropes? It does havea slightly more formal feel to it than I prefer, but its not like the horrid and condescending gentle reminder.. The recipient is dealing with a quality crisis related to last months collector teapot and all other work has been postponed until early next week. There are a lot of other options on how to send it I could send it on a different (non-direct) flight tonight, I could have them send it out on the first direct flight tomorrow morning, I could ship it Fedex overnight, I could use a private courier, I could send it on a flight operated by a different airline, or they could have a different location send the part. It would be annoying in the context of a yes/no question, for sure. Im hoping you have more important things to worry about. Thanks! Please let me know when everything is ready. (not to mention weird sounding) but I feel like Ive at least equally if not much moreso heard it from Americans (online, not aloud). You know, I think everyones got their pet peeves with email. Regarding battles 1&2. Not all jobs are client-facing however, so it may not be appropriate for all industries. This is the kind of comparison Im thinking of. I do this too quite often. Ive noticed that yeah, we dont say Sincerely anymore, but I feel really strange just writing my name at the bottom of a reply (and yes we have those auto signatures, but everything gets shoved down to the bottom of the chain, so you only see them properly the first time). There are many things to get upset about, but this doesnt strike me as a hill worth dieing on. I own a small business called Archetype Origins LLC, I will send you an invoice if you prefer to pay with a credit/debit card (taxes may apply). Thanks, A nun in grammar school taught us math. they have to book their own travel (through our agent), send me slides in advance, be available for some conference calls, etc. I dont need to be reminded in the next sentence to please advise. I think its one of those boy who cried wolf situationsi.e., dont use the phrase unless you really, truly are looking for advice or a decision or a response of some sort. Its politely collaborative. Answer (1 of 21): It's grammatically fine but meaningless. I always felt like my reaction was unreasonable, but its definitely a strong one! The third is forward yet subduednot a bad option, honestly. Ugh, I cried once at work and ever since, my manager always sends me gentle reminders whenever I make an error. There are just so many styles and approacheswithout tone, its really not worth getting upset over. She said the word alright way too much. I use Please Advise constantly when I have no idea what the actual question would normally be. Most people probably don't realize how loaded questions like gender might be on their forms or surveys. My HTML brain cells went out for a moment. Attempt to manage you/assign tasks and they arent your manager? It would be considered very unusual for me to simply call someone, though. Especially the stilettos. my new hire is too attractive for me to manage her, my coworker has celebrity friends, asking to come back to an interview question, and more, Ive been grumpy at work, warning my predecessor about her reference, and more,, should I tell my coworker about our colleagues criminal record, I deeply regret joining my companys leadership program, and more, my company is cutting my overworked teams pay as punishment for mistakes. Didnt know this was such a well known meaning! In mine, please advise is typically used when someones pretty irritated with you. Hey, just a quick reminder to please send me blah blad by x date. can I compare attending college to working a full-time job in my cover letter? OP, yes, you are definitely interpreting it differently than it is intended. Since that is what you actually want to know, couldnt you ask what are the options here? instead of please advise? Now, someone in IT has figured out how to make all emails related to a conversation *poof* from the entire email network when something like this happens, so nobody has the email anymore to reply to all. + Read the full interview, Michel Vivas, Senior Technology Officer, TextRanch is amazingly responsive and really cares about the client. Juste tre sr de me faire savoir quels animaux vous prfrez la caisse. 0. . Hmm, please let me know how to proceed seemed more formal and curt to me. This answer is: Hide . Ive worked in three different offices, and this phrase was used by nobody at two of them, and then by virtually everybody at the third one. The same thing happened at my old job as well! Cant think of any examples right off the bat but it definitely doesnt fit for some emails! It reads as abrupt to me. I also accept Venmo, Cashapp, and Zelle as payment, let me know if you have any questions. is far gentler and is a little more personal if you must put something at the end of the query. I love this, and will forever now think of it this way every time I type it. Some people either a) forget to put any subject, b) put a very generic one-word subject that I have twenty other emails with that same subject but for different topics, or c) put an entire novel in the subject. Ive already posted something like four comments in this thread, which is kind of amazing since I dont think Ive ever consciously considered my thoughts on please advise before. I work with someone who uses thoughts? a lot. So I just associate it with management instructions. I always get back with the tardy person and ask them if they need something else/anything before they can reply. One of the problems with "Please advise" is that advise is a transitive verb, that is, it must have an object. They havent been out plowing the fields; theyve been sitting under the picnic shelter in the shade with the rest of us! If you are the disadvantaged party, this is what can we do to make you happy? If youre not, this is what are you going to do for me?. Im not crazy about please adviseits a vague and strangely worded requestbut at least its a request! as a manager, should I not wear a childless shirt in my off-hours? Time. Often I see please advise on an I just described a hilariously tangled or annoying situation email and it generally translates to I dont even know. As part of the ping-pong conversation, maybe you want to say YES. I dont like gentle reminder either, but I think prefacing this kind of request with Just a reminder without the gentle is not a bad idea. I only use this phrase when I am generally asking for advice, not in a snarky way. talk to you SOON. and it drives me insane. :). Im still waiting for the Veeblefetzer Report, Please send it to me ASAP.. I dont use it all the time but will use it occasionally when she has dropped the ball again and pulled a Charlie Brown* on us. Personally, I never end my emails with Please advise. It just is not my style and I dont like how extremely formal it feels. Interesting. } else if (w.attachEvent) { Putting please advise instead of the second sentence would incline me to respond with something like. (Probably including every time Ive written in.). This is why I learned to use Would you like to know more (about this)? especially in conversation but it works for emails too. Remember to use a valid email address. I'm definitely trying to be polite! In the end, because she was unable to understand the issue I went to speak to the owner of the business, who immediately sent out an email clarifying the parking procedure. So I guess thats why Im defend about the Please advise thing. How do you feel about emails that say, Just wanted to let you know that blah blah blah.? (I got that salutation a lot from coworkers in my office but rarely from folks in other offices.) Me too. I know Im starting to react badly to anyone saying I have a question or I have a *quick* question (questions in my industry are never quick) or Can I ask you a question? because I hear it fifty times a day, for example. Please let me know which date and time would suits you best is the most popular phrase on the web. Sexy way of putting it! I also like Would love your input for similar situations. ", I love how the editors make my work so much better. I think please and thank you arent used enough in business communication. But I think I mean more did I explain that in a way that makes sense than are you smart enough to understand this. should I be so emotionally drained by managing? Just thought maybe you should be aware that this is happening. but Please Advise means all of those things. I mean, we all have our pet peeves, but deciding that someone is a rude jerk based on a single turn of phrase just seems unnecessary. We KNOW that some cultures crowd up and breath down your neck; we KNOW in our heads that it is a cultural difference this does not prevent the visceral reaction to being crowded that people who require more personal space feel. Its formal, but thats not the same as passive-aggressive. Or you are a better person to address the situation based on your experience/skills/expertise? Am I being overly sensitive? Current Job involves getting buy-in and approvals from various far-flung parts of Big Bank whose employees are generally overworked, overwhelmed, or just dont know/care about Current Job, because Big Bank manages crisis-to-crisis without ever resolving underlying structural issues because hey, why should they? I have marked this listing as Complete. Also, just the sheer volume of email I got made it necessary to adopt some kind of triage system, and people who plainly asked for what they wanted from me always got priority. I have no problem in theory with please advise, but what bothers me is that it often indicates that someone is coming to me expecting me to solve their problem for them. (We know people are not a statistic, so please let us know about any mistakes). Yes, my grandmother who was born in the late 1800s as a young woman worked in the field all day and then at lunch break the men stretched out under a tree while she and other women served them lunch and then everyone went back to work. Thank you in advance is completely fine when Im being asked to do something that I actually can do. I dont intend to sound bratty or condescending when I use it, I just have trouble finding a closer and email etiquette says that I should every. Please let me know whic h way of pay ment you prefer - whether a ba nk transfer (I'll. You are incredibly annoying and childish. Yes, but plenty of people use it earnestly: as in, hmm, havent heard back hope they didnt forget but dont want to be a nag. So, friendly reminder is not good to use? A message that was truly friendly wouldnt need to be softened, so when you get a heads up that should be a non-issue but its been thoroughly bubble wrapped it can come across that the sender is making a big deal about it and that has frustrating implications. As a general rule, I think e-mail should be read with Hanlons razor in mind and should always be interpreted as though the writer meant well, unless proven otherwise. Like, Kindly reply to this message by Thursday. Not something thats going to ruin my day or anything, but you could just ask me to do the thing, and Ill do the thing, because Im a professional adult who works hard to meet my obligations. If I do that Id feel really small and incompetent. I used to think it was extremely formal and cold, but now it has no affect on me because it is used so freakin often. Just hope that boss doesnt respond with yes. And nothing else. Shes lovely, but I dont like the phrase. If you want a man to treat you like a priority, you have got to prioritize yourself. you are reacting to i require when its being used as i need. I moved from big city to mid-Michigan and West Michigan though. But I think the overall tone of an email can speak to its urgency or importance. If they say the second line instead, people look at each other and defer to the next person. I am sure we have plenty of equally annoying locutions). I had a calculus teacher who said a combination of the words so um ok yeah every few sentences. EmilyG, can you reboot the X server because it appears to be down and I need to work on Y. TIA! was reasonable enough. is also grammatically sound but a bit less formal. We have x cost on the system. I am way too informative. I am having a hard time with the fact that someone is having a hard time with the word please being used. If both are wrong then what would be the right thing to say. There was pretty much no correct response you could give. I wonder what would happen if you just said no to Can I ask you a question for a few days. Many people in my company use Please Advise, so Im barely phased by it now. I used to manage a group of volunteers for a Nigerian 419 scam warning website. I dont know how to line up a potential solution if I dont know what solutions exist, and thats why Im contacting them in the first place. He sends documents to me to get rid of a blank page (when all it takes is a single backspace to get rid of it) and when he got a macbook I was constantly with him at 30 minutes at a time trying to teach him how to right click or minimize a window, how to locate a file he has saved, etc. My screen said zero comments when I posted that. I can see how it might be annoying if overused. Please let us know if gets his speech back. I got needfulled a couple of times before I went to investigate the thing. You can see something similar pretty often in discussions about works of fiction. I use Please advise every so often, and I think I basically use it as a step up from Let me know what you think. Specifically, for Let me know what you think, I would consider a lack of preference an acceptable answer. 3. Is it really a good use of their time to work on a solution that will likely be less effective and will end up being thrown away in favor of your solution anyway? If kids notice this stuff, its going to be even more obvious to adults. Please tell me what YOU ARE thinking. Boss: We need to have Horatio sign it. Or if she explained something to you one on one and you seemed iffy, shed ask if you have a doubt. I think that phrases that only occur in print, like this one, lend themselves really well to misreading and speculation because weve never heard another person utter them out loud and for that reason can only speculate on the tone. I then give background on my question. So now I have a bit of a visceral reaction to that one. Is the writer at a higher level than you in the company? I cant remember. If the question has been asked, I will answer it. Ie, if youre reading along and you encounter a word you dont understand, you drop everything and look it up, right then and there. w.attachEvent("onload", loader); Option 1 likely will result in this behavior but Option 2 will accomplish this.. of these changes. I wouldnt ever want to imply that Im telling my boss what to do. Maybe its regional? There are a lot of things that I wish someone would have told me about at the very beginning especially email etiquette. Lowest prices Up to 50% lower than other online editing sites. I used to work with someone who always put clear as mud? at the end of emails that were, in fact, quite clear. And from people who should have known better than to reply all! Please advise? Its basically that I have a question or request but dont have enough information to know what to ask for. Certainly, sometimes you have a new employee, a weird problem, etc. Early in my job I would give people way, WAY more information than necessary in emails before I realized that this can be offensive and its almost always better to use the minimum information necessary for clarity (not that that is necessarily easy to determine, but as a goal). Can you check these teapots for errors? = Sentence Where did you go? Also, Im hungry and mostly thinking about lunch. I dont think its such a terrible phrase until someone inevitably writes please advice. The sender writes anyway and says I need to put in the order for either blue and green enamel for next months collector teapot and Jane told me she didnt know. I love seeing bitch eating crackers threaded through the various websites I read :-), Thats totally my thing. I think please advise is okay when youre asking a question going up the ladder, but coming from a manager to a subordinate it does usually come off as, please advise WTF you were thinking when you did this., Yeah, since someone above you is unlikely to actually want anything that could be called advice from you haha. update: how can I turn down training requests from my clients? Its really good to conserve on Es, so that future generations may have some. I thought, Maybe Im wrong? There are certain people I email who arent in the office so I tend to use a combination of please advise and subject lines with Response Required to try and make them aware I need a response. To me the gentle reminder reads as Pease dont be mad at me, but I need to remind you of [xyz]., How about friendly reminder? I totally agree. Because it makes perfect sense in Spanish . Say what you mean to say. (2) I dont know what to do and Im making it your problem. If I am sending our a reminder, I usually just type just following up on the message I sent to you last week about A, B, and C or i just wanted to see if you had a chance to look at that e-mail I had sent to you the other day I do agree that it is hard to find a way to remind someone about something when you are just not sure if they had forgotten or if they are just swamped and are dealing with higher priorities. I work with people in India a lot and they do say Please do the needful which is quirky English but not offensive or particularly grating to me. Let me introduce myself. But if youre my client and you need something, I will do my best to get you an answer, even if I have to be a bit sharp in tone. Closing your account will prevent you from accessing your past revisions, and you will no longer be eligible for a FREE daily revision. This exactly. This is what I generally do. The How do I save a word file is not a literal question thats happened, but very close. w.onload = loader; TIA! which was infuriating. Please Advise doesnt sound snarky or passive-agressive to me at all. So basically, get over yourself and please advise. time. Its really meaningless in this context, like How are you? when youre walking past someone and neither of you is going to stop and really talk about How You Are. From coworker B, it makes me want to hulk-smash and scream hey, try to solve this incredibly simple non-issue before emailing me!. Philomena, Im like, Hence, the please advise. Can you please clarify? On the other side, is the writer genuinely seeking information or help? I write stuff like I appreciate any information you are able to provide! etc. It is a way of warning people to stay in the order they came. Would people be shocked? PLEASE DONT REPLY ALL!!!. It sets my teeth on edge. = Question Please tell me where you WENT. I use something similar. And Id hope that someone would cut me some slack should I unknowingly pick the wrong set of words. She was ticked, but it did not stop her. Please advise.. Please tell us why you want to close your account: Fast corrections and brief feedback from a human editor. Im good at sussing this out now, but for the first year I was in this role, I found it really challenging. I need to put in the order for either blue and green enamel for next months collector teapot, and I know you met with Jane about the collector line last Tuesday. In many workplaces, as several have mentioned, Please advise takes on other connotations. So now, any time I use that, it makes me laugh. When I see it, I always remind myself that, irritating though that phrase is, the writers proficiency in English is much better than my proficiency in the writers native language. Give yourself time to think When you receive an offer, it's common to ask for at least one day and up to a week to consider the terms. I cant see anything remotely annoying in the phrase though I dont use it myself. I wanted her to speak to the newbie staff members and ask them not to park in that spot. The call me is a little short. Please advise. Or How do I save a word file? Artificial intelligence still cannot do this ! ", Quick and smart, plus is "human-based"! Its alarming how much I see that and I dont even receive emails nor work in an office. Yes, agreed. What/how about Monday for lunch? ", The most useful app that I have ever found.I truly appreciate your efforts. Its used in the absence of a question, so the reader doesnt take it like an Fyi but actually acts on it. I managed to screw up pretty regularly in the third category, which led to me being pretty gun-shy about replying at all unless I was explicitly asked a question or given an action item. Want to hear the craziest email pet peeve? I think overall people have a hard time getting tone correct when reading emails. I think I agree with the letter writer on this one. I hate please advise! PizzaSquared * April 13, 2015 at 3:15 pm. Editors on TextRanch are super helpful! I hate it when someone comes to me and just says here are three options, which do you want? without providing any of their thoughts on it. If there's anything you need at all, just. Thats probably my own bias, though. I think the reason I hate it though is because usually, its not my job to advise the people who are asking me to advise them. Could we meet on Tuesday instead?" It does seem a bit babyish, but I usually hear it used in an OMG I am so EXCITED about my upcoming fun event! way that is a bit more forgiving than if it was being used, say, to countdown to a work conference or something like that. The second option sounds like the sender is fed up. I sometimes use Your thoughts? for the same thing. is this FYI, or is there a question or task buried somewhere in here for me?. The newbies stopped parking there, problem solved. Well, to be fair, I was trying to derail his political career. There must be a lot of secretly snotty people in the South who are thinking mean things when they say Bless your heart, but Im glad Ive not met them. I am impressed. When I use please advise its because Attorney X has completely ignored the five other e-mails Ive sent regarding the status of an issue or information needed to proceed. I think thats exactly it. Being English, I wish we would adopt wee because it is such a warm word. I lay out my problem and then say please advise meaning I am so lost can you please help me navigate this so I dont look like a complete idiot, I will admit, there was a time or two when please advise meant you and I have gone back and forth on this and you insisted on your way and it did not work, so what do you want to do now?. To me the please advise when done or words to that effect; suggest to me they are implying I dont have the manners or common sense to respond with their results or let them know when tasks are complete; when its an absolute pre requisite that I will reply with the answer or information they want. Its super formal feeling, but Im told that literally everything else will be misinterpreted by someone. I use it a lot when trying to settle an issue between two separate departments or interested parties. As far as I know , we use "prefer" to express our preferences in general and we use "would prefer" in special occasions. After some research, I have found that A and B are mutually exclusive and will cancel each other out if theyre implemented together. I prefer to use phrases like thoughts? or can you help me with this? or Id love your opinion on this just because theyre phrases I could deliver aloud, in real life, with a straight face. Battle #1: people who reply all to large groups with Please remove me from this email list I think it sounds a little formal, but not offensive, so this letter surprises me a bit. I had to Google it the first time someone said it to me, because I wasnt sure if it was supposed to be vaguely insulting or extremely polite. I just love this). This is the other circumstance where I use Please advise.. is not business-like as you said. The one that drives me nuts is VR. Dont ask why, it makes no logical sense, it just makes my skin crawl. This. Have you had a chance to look into this yet? and Any updates on this? also work for some people. She simply could not comprehend that we had a procedure in place Im guessing because she did not put it in place herself.

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please let me know which option you prefer