Excellent erosion control on slopes and banks. 0000151384 00000 n Lomandra confertifolia Little Con Mat Rush, Native: Foliage Type: Yes Evergreen Plant Type: Plant Habit: Grasses, Strappy & Tufting Clumping, Tufting Description: A lime green foliaged native grass growing into a small round mounded shape. 0000303163 00000 n Most nurseries stock a good range of plants, but due to space and supplies, they may not always have the plant that you are searching for in stock. A majority of this first crop went to Madame Ganna Walska Lotusland in 1992, where the planting remains as an attractive large scale groundcover under Blue Gums (Eucalyptus globulus). The second Lomandra to cross our path was an attractive Matt Rush we received from Southern California plantsman Gary Hammer in 1996 that we thought would be far more useful in smaller gardens and for mass plantings as it appeared that it would remain considerably shorter than the larger form of Lomandra longifolia that we were growing. 14.1 If there is a default by you under this agreement it shall be lawful for us, without any further consent or concurrence on your part, to enter into and upon the land, messuage, or tenement whereon any of the Delivered Goods is or may reasonably be supposed to be in the possession or under the control of any of you, or any Guarantor, and for that purpose to open or remove any outer or inner gate, door, fastening, or other obstruction, without liability to any action of trespass or other proceeding for so doing; but with liberty to plead the leave and license hereby given in bar to any such action or proceeding, if any such be brought or instituted, and to seize and take possession of all Delivered Goods, and to remove the same to any other place or places for safety, convenience of sale, or otherwise, or suffer them to remain in the place or places where the same may be found, and to sell and dispose thereof or any of them either together or in parcels, at such time or times, and place or places, and either by public auction or private contract, or partly by public auction and partly by private contract, to any person or persons, for such price or prices, either for cash or on credit, or partly for cash and partly on credit, and if either partly or wholly on credit, giving such time or times for payment, and taking or foregoing any security or securities for the payment of the unpaid purchase money as we may deem proper or expedient, with power for us to make any such other terms and conditions in regard to such sale or sales as we may think proper, and also to buy in all or any of the Delivered Goods at any such sale or sales by auction, and rescind or vary any contract for sale thereof, and again to resell or offer for resale the same from time to time, without being answerable or accountable for any loss, diminution in price, costs, or expenses to be occasioned by any such bringing in, rescission, variance, or actual or attempted resale. Almost any area of the garden can provide perfect Lomandra growing conditions. The Customer and the Guarantor promise to Benara that they have read understood and agree to the General Conditions and without limitation give the authorisations and consents in relation to privacy contained therein. Our standard carton holds up to 35 plants. Lomandra 'Little Con' 3" Pot. 0000150340 00000 n Step 2 Fill the pot with a quality potting mix, such as Yates Potting Mix with Dynamic Lifter . It tolerates a wide range of soils and climatic conditions, suited to full sun and partly shaded postitions, requiring little or no maintenance. Best of all, the grasses can be cold hardy into USDA zones 7 to 11. !02!66191582!! Size: 140MM. In this Privacy Consent. There are many more varieties available, and this adaptable grass is being developed to extend its hardiness. The store will not work correctly in the case when cookies are disabled. 14.3 We shall, out of the moneys which shall come to its hands by reason of any such sale or sales in the first place, discharge the costs and expenses incurred or sustained in or about such sale or sales, and all other costs, charges, and expenses incurred or occasioned in or about the execution of the powers and authorities contained in the bill of sale, and shall retain the balance of such moneys, or so much thereof as may be necessary, in or towards payment and satisfaction of the Secured Moneys, and shall pay to you any surplus then remaining. 0000015906 00000 n Lomandra confertifolia 'Little Con' (Small Mat Rush) - A small grass-like plant that forms lime-green tussocks to 1 foot tall and spreads slowly to an equal distance with very narrow 8 inch long leaves and small spikes of cream flowers that bloom within the foliage from spring and summer. These include but are not limited to:(a) an act of God, peril of the sea, accident of navigation, war, sabotage, riot, insurrection, civil commotion, national emergency (whether in fact in law), martial law, intentional damage to property or damage to property caused by the negligent act or omission of any person (including a servant or agent of a party) other than a party, fire, lightening, flood, cyclone, earthquake, landslide, storm or other adverse weather conditions, explosion, power shortage, strike or other labour difficulty (whether or not involving employees of the party concerned), epidemic, quarantine, radiation or radioactive contamination;(b) any action or inaction of any government or governmental or other competent jurisdiction, including expropriation, restraint, prohibition, intervention, requisition, requirement, direction or embargo by legislation, regulation, decree or other legally enforceable order; anda breakdown of plant, machinery or equipment or shortages of labour, transportation, fuel, power or plant, machinery, equipment or material. c 3021Lwxb- _,1:S`4`b SW 79 Feed in spring with a native formulated fertiliser. SKU: 248278. It took us several years to build up enough stock on this plant and we were finally able to begin selling it in 1998. The cartons have tracking codes which allow the plants to be traced if they dont arrive on the expected day. RLI recognises the Bundjalung peoples continuing culture andconnection to country; their deep knowledge of the natural environment, and the contribution they make to the life of the Richmond catchment. If you are a trustee of any trust, you enter into this agreement on your own behalf and in your capacity as trustee of that trust. 0000151049 00000 n It is proving to be adaptable . They also struggle in the dry due to their less vigorous root system. FACTSHEET:% RaisingLomandra% !www.richmondlandcare.org! The Customer consents to Benara sending unsolicited commercial electronic messages as defined in the Spam Act 2003 (Cth) to the Customers email address or mobile telephone number. Lime Tough If you are in default of any other provision of this agreement and the default is not capable of being remedied, or you fail to remedy the default within 2 days of being notified of that default in writing, all money then owing shall become due and owing by you to us. Any notice or other information that Benara is entitled to serve or publish under this agreement may be served or published by displaying the notice or information on the Web Site. 0000147630 00000 n [emailprotected], 2022 Plant Growers Lomandra growing conditions vary from sandy to moist soils in swamps, mountains, creek banks, forests, and open hillsides. 0000019868 00000 n Great as a border or pot plant. Lomandra are happy in full sun or shade and will cope with a wide range of soil types and pH levels. It is a condition precedent to the formation of this agreement that Benara receives a credit report on the Customer (and if there is a Guarantor, the Guarantor) from a credit reporting agency and otherwise satisfies itself as to the credit worthiness of the Customer and the Guarantor. It tolerates a wide range of soils and climatic conditions suited to full sun and partly shaded postitions. These plants are commonly called Matt Rushes because leaves were used for weaving into mats by the Australian Aboriginal people, who also used the leaf bases as a food. Drought prone areas and sites with low maintenance needs will benefit from the use of ornamental grass. For the best experience on our site, be sure to turn on Javascript in your browser. Below is a list of our favourite specialist nurseries. 0000150799 00000 n We are not open to the public, except for pre-ordered pickups, Office hours : 8am-3.30pm Mon-Thur, 8am-noon Fri AEST. Lomandra Katrina Deluxe has fragrant flowers and a compact habit while Nyalla has blue foliage and yellow flowers. Benaras 2008 General Conditions for Supply Agreement (General Conditions) shall be incorporated into and form part of this agreement so far as they are not varied by or inconsistent with the express terms of this agreement. As an excellent visual enhancement to the garden, Lomandra grass cannot be beat in most of our temperate to warm climates. If you want to pick up your plants in person please contact us on 0428 480 317 or onlinesales@wildtechnursery.com.au. We may add to vary or remove any provision of this agreement by publishing the change on the Web Site. It produces flowering stems including white, cream or yellow depending on variety. Step 4 Get all the latest news about gardening and Angus straight to your inbox. Lomandra Breeze Trimmed with hedge shears, Lomandra confertifolia Leading Lime Mist ['Mislimra'], Lomandra confertifolia Leading Lime Tight ['Limtigra'], Lomandra confertifolia ssp. Lovely in Asian-style gardens.Having trouble deciding which Lomandra to choose? You consent to Benara providing information about you to any person who proposes to guarantee your obligations to Benara for the purpose of allowing that person to assess whether to act as your guarantor and/or indemnifier. Lomandra confertifolia 'Little Pal' - Mat Rush. Nothing beats the sway and swish of ornamental grasses in the landscape. 28.7 In the event that there is more than one person or corporation constituting the Guarantor or there is any other co-surety then it is expressly agreed between each Guarantor who executes this agreement and Benara that the failure of any one or more Guarantor or any other co-surety to execute this agreement or any document as the case may be or the fact that this guarantee is not binding on any one or more Guarantor who executes the same for any reason whatsoever or that any one or more Guarantor is for any reason whatsoever discharged from their obligations hereunder shall not in any way relieve them or the others of them as the case may be from liability under this guarantee and indemnity. OR . Wintertime wet feet and dry summer conditions simulate the best Lomandra growing conditions. Among the more interesting tidbits of Lomandra information is its traditional use by Aborigines to make nets and baskets, and one species was also used as a food source. The steady stream of new Lomandra cultivars that have since become available will assure that this Lomandra Revolution will carry on! You authorise Benara to give to and obtain from other credit providers information about your credit worthiness, credit standing, credit history or credit capacity. In so doing Benara warrants that any such message shall clearly and accurately identify the individual or organisation who authorised the sending of the message and include accurate information about how the recipient can readily contact the individual or organisation. Sign up to our free weekly email newsletter - for seasonal gardening tips, advice, inspiration and ideas, advance sale notices, and limited edition plants. Lomandra 'Little Con' 6" Pot. 0000149959 00000 n Read more SHARE Acceptance of an order may without limitation be communicated by Delivery. Tropicbelle Mat Rush. How to make free liquid organic fertiliser -video, There is a composting method for every household! 0000149096 00000 n . Lime Tuff is a great low maintenance plant for general landscaping work. If you do not want this to happen please tell us. Lomandra are native, clump-forming plants with strappy green foliage. Can you add citrus peel and onion skin to a worm farm video? from the ground and the foliage will spring back beautifully. Lomandra 'Lime Tuff' - Mat Rush. 0000148238 00000 n 28.6 It is expressly agreed that this indemnity shall continue notwithstanding any agreement or arrangement or variation of any agreement between Benara and the Customer and the provisions of the Guarantee hereinbefore given shall with the necessary changes apply to this indemnity. Standard carton: .C.T, NSW, QLD, S.A, VIC = $18 Matt Rush is a common name for Lomandra, a genus with about 50 species of tufted dioecious perennial herbs with long narrow blade-like leaves that arise from a central stemless base (acaulescent) and have thick woody rhizomes and fibrous roots. The plant they were evaluating was called Lomandra 'Tanika' in Australia, but was registered in the US with the cultivar name 'LM300' and the trade name of "Breeze". You agree that Benara may use your personal information either alone or in conjunction with third parties for marketing purposes to tell you about other related services and products which could suit your needs. Gastrolobium (Brachysema) Brown Butterfly -video, Banksia plagiocarpa Hinchinbrook Island Banksia, Creating an Australian Garden book -video, Prickly Moses wattle Acacia ulicifolia to attract small birds to your garden, Hairpin banksia (Banksia spinulosa) to attract small nectar feeding birds to your garden video, Landscape Designing With Australian Plants, How to improve sub-surface drainage in the garden, Establishing Australian native shrubs in your garden, The New Formal Garden: With Australian Plants, Harvest Seeds And Native Plant Nursery Sydney, Wariapendi Native Nursery Colo Vale NSW, Growing Garlic, Onions and Leeks in the Home Garden, Sandy, Loamy, Sandy loam, Clay loam, Poor soil, Low maintenance garden, Poolside, Coastal garden, Drought resistant, Warm temperate, Cool temperate, Mediterranean, Cool, Semi-arid, Arid, Dry, Well-drained, Moist moderate drainage, Erosion control, Pollution tolerant, Fast growing, Playground friendly. If the foliage gets damaged in harsh weather, the plant can simply be cut back hard and it will resprout with fresh new growth. 0000070152 00000 n Words importing the singular number or plural number shall include the plural number and the singular number respectively; and words importing the masculine or neuter genders shall include every gender. 0000147946 00000 n background: #3c773c !important; Seeds can be sent to all states except Tasmania. 0000148542 00000 n Lomandra confertifolia - Little Con - Mat-rush FROM: $17.99 $14.39 Pot size guide Qty Add to Cart Item code: 9319762997291P A clumping, dense native grass with pom-pom like bright green foliage and spring yellow flowers makes it a fantastic border, backdrop or edging plant for driveways and paths. 0000033963 00000 n At the end of every calendar month any unpaid interest shall be capitalised for the purpose of calculating interest, namely it will be added to and increase the amount due and owing and thereafter interest shall be charged on the sum of the amount then due and owing and the unpaid interest at the said rate. The original grasses hail from Australia but have been developed in New Zealand to include numerous cultivars. We cant find the content youre looking for.Try to search again or go back to Home Page. GrowingLomandra There% are% many% ways% to% grow . Once we realized that this was the typical color for this plant we were able to better appreciate it. For the said consideration the Guarantor hereby charges their respective right, title and interest in and to the Land and all other land which they or any of them now have or at any time hereafter may have to secure their obligations under this agreement. Wonga Park VIC 3115 The receipt or receipts in writing of us for all purchase money or other property which shall be paid or delivered to it under or by virtue of this bill of sale, shall be a good and sufficient discharge to all purchasers or other persons paying or delivering the same, and such purchaser or other persons shall not be required to see to the application or be answerable for the misapplication or non-application thereof, or be bound or concerned to inquire into the propriety or expediency of any such sale or resale. 0000148975 00000 n pallida 'Pom Pom'PP32,554 (AKA Shorty), Lomandra confertifolia spp. Withstands heavy frost, and good for coastal plantings. If the foliage gets damaged in harsh weather, the plant can simply be cut back hard and it will resprout with fresh new growth. rubiginosa Olive Green, Lomandra confertifolia ssp. If the Customer or a Guarantor relies on conduct that it has promised by this agreement they will not rely on, or a Customers Associate relies on any such conduct, the Customer hereby indemnifies Benara against all actions, suits, claims and demand whatsoever which may be brought against it and also all costs damages and expenses which Benara may in any wise pay or incur in or as a consequence of defending or settling the same or in any way relating thereto, in consequence of or by reason of or arising out of or in respect of that reliance including without limitation any claim made against it by any of its servants or agents whose conduct was relied upon. Our display Lomandra Collection near our sales office has representative samples of: Lomandra Baby Breeze ['LM600'] PP28,260 (AKA Evergreen Baby), Lomandra confertifolia Del Sol ['LOLTCS08'] AKA Dreamcatcher, Lomandra confertifolia spp. JavaScript seems to be disabled in your browser. If you would like to know more about the personal information which we hold about you; or our personal information handling practices; or gaining access to the personal information which we hold about you; or our handling of personal information about you, please contact Benara by writing to Benaras Privacy Officer at Benaras address in this agreement or such other address as Benara may have notified to you in writing from time to time 2. and the Fringe-lilies (Thysanotus sp.). 10cm from base in early spring or autumn. They are widely used in landscaping as low-maintenance evergreen edging plants or to mass plant. Lomandra. 0000149769 00000 n The largest of the Lomandra is Katie Belles. Additional Lomandra that we have grown in the past include: Lomandra filiformis Savannah Blue ['LMF500'] PP18,859. 3 Harris Road, Wingarra is the toughest of all confertifolia types, being unique in the fact it spreads from rhyzomes, and given maintenance for the first 18 months, it will spread and outcompete weeds. (03) 9722 1444 Having trouble deciding which Lomandra to choose? The Customer wishes to purchase Goods from Benara for re-supply to other persons as part of the Customers business or for business purposes. More irrigation will need to be provided in hotter inland locations but for coastal gardens, especially in the shade, these plants can certainly be considered "drought tolerant" - some exceptions to these guidelines are explained on the individual listings of these plants at the links below but generally these plants are carefree. Tolerates most well-draining soils in full sun to light shade with occasional to regular irrigation. They grow in sun or shade with abundant to little or nearly no supplemental irrigation - plants will grow actively and more robust when water is provided but when water is withheld, in most situations the plants do not die but stop active growth. On our information database listing for each cultivar we note the sex of the plant when known. We do not recommend any one plant variety in preference to another nor do we claim to be an authority on stock performance. 28.3 Any payment made to Benara and later avoided by the application of any statutory provision shall be deemed not to discharge the Guarantors liability and in any such event the parties are to be restored to the rights which each respectively would have had if the payment had not been made. It tolerates a wide range of soils and climatic conditions suited to full sun and partly shaded postitions Evergreen / Grasses / Native Australian Plant / Outdoor / Perennial / Shrub / Strappy Leaf / Verge / Vertical Gardens. You should let us know if you think any information we hold about you is inaccurate so that we may correct it. Lomandra Little Con In stock $5.15 Petite form of this native grass, perfect for small gardens as a bordering plant or in a container, or even as a no-mow lawn in traffic-free areas. Lomandra Little Con 14cm $ 13.95-Lomandra Little Con 14cm quantity + ADD TO WISHLIST . Lomandra typically from dense root systems that penetrate deep into the soil making them ideal for erosion control and steep banks. The use of the Credit Card or the supply of Goods to or at your direction is a sufficient communication by us to you that we have signed this agreement. Water: Low water consumption. We use cookies to improve your experience on our website. Exactly what is Lomandra grass? Lomandra 'Little Con' 1.3 litre. Most of these grasses are suited to full sun or lightly shaded locations. If we lodge a caveat over all or any of the said land we are under no obligation to withdraw that caveat but must execute a withdrawal of that caveat presented to us by you for that purpose once you have satisfied all of your obligations under this agreement. Lomandra hystrix 'LHCOM' PP20759. 0000100835 00000 n Sun: Plant in a full sun to partly shaded position in the garden. By way of example only, if there is a Reversal and the Reversal was payable to Benara, the Customer will be in breach of this agreement as from the due date for payment of the Reversal. In consideration of Benara having agreed at the request of the Guarantor to enter into this agreement with the Customer the Guarantor does (and if more than one jointly and severally) HEREBY GUARANTEE to Benara the due and punctual performance by the Customer of its obligations under this agreement and the Guarantor HEREBY ACKNOWLEDGES and declares that this Guarantee shall be a continuing guarantee for the whole of the moneys hereby secured and shall not be avoided released or affected in any way by: and Benara shall be at liberty to regard the Guarantor in all respects as principal debtors and shall not be obliged to take action first against the Customer. They also struggle in the dry due to their less vigorous root system. It grows from an underground rhizome, which makes it able to resprout after hard cutbacks. Multiple packets of seeds can be ordered for the $10 postage charge. Lomandra Little Con - 2Ltr $ 18.95 incl. In addition to the Purchase Price of Goods ordered by you, you promise to pay to us: If you default in the payment of any money under this agreement interest will be charged on the amount owing and unpaid from time to time at the Default Rate as from and including the due date for payment until it has been repaid. 0000100872 00000 n 28.5 In the event that the Customer is wound up and a liquidator of the Customer shall lawfully disclaim these presents at any time, no such disclaimer shall operate so as to relieve the obligations of the Guarantor to Benara pursuant to this indemnity AND IT IS EXPRESSLY AGREED THAT the provisions of this indemnity shall survive any termination of this agreement arising out of any such disclaimer. This plant and the newer cultivars that have followed behind it have become so popular, and at such a rapid pace, that our friend John Greenlee (AKA The Grassman) remarked about the increasing interest in these plants as "The Lomandra Revolution". Benara agrees to supply Goods to the Customer upon and subject to the terms of this agreement and the Customer agrees that all Goods purchased from Benara shall be purchased pursuant to the terms of this agreement. Benara may also disclose your personal information to third parties for marketing purposes. Alternate treatments place in the Laxmanniaceae or its own family, the Lomandraceae. 0000002027 00000 n provides structure to the landscape when planted in borders great for mass plantings and rockeries. The information provided on the Gardening With Angus website is provided for general educational purposes about a variety of Australian plants. . Until this condition is fulfilled or until Benara waives the condition by accepting an order or supplying Goods to or at the direction of the Customer, this agreement is and is to be treated by the parties as an application for credit by the Customer. 0000151196 00000 n More lush growth and a fuller plant will result from average watering and feeding, but the plant has an attractive natural aspect even when left to its own devices. The minimum size recommended for Wingarra is a 140mm pot. Specialist nurseries are also able to give great advice, and if they dont have the plant you have planned on, they can often suggest alternatives that will also work well for you. However most, if not all, of the newer selections of Lomandra are male clones so these plants cannot reseed - a plus when potential weediness is considered. You authorise Benara to give a credit reporting agency certain personal information about you for the purposes of enabling Benara to obtain a credit report about you and/or to allow the credit reporting agency to create or maintain a credit information file containing information about you. The Customer and the Guarantor agree that in relation to any order or a combination of orders for the same or similar goods and/or services the Purchase Price of which exceeds $1,000, only the board of directors of Benara is authorised to make representations or give advice or engage in conduct of concerning or in any way relating thereto and then only in writing, and the Customer and the Guarantor promise to Benara that for the said orders they will not rely on any representation or conduct of any servant or agent of Benara as a representation or conduct of Benara, in deciding to purchase the said goods and/or services, and indemnify Benara as set out in the General Conditions. Pottery may be available for pick up from Carabooda or Forrestdale, but stock is not transferrable. The Customer and the Guarantor agree and consent to Benara obtaining a credit report on the Customer and the Guarantor from a credit reporting agency for the purpose of assessing the Customers application for credit. 2023 Gardening Know How, Future US LLC, Full 7th Floor, 130 West 42nd Street, New York, NY 10036. The Purchase Price and all other taxable supplies are exclusive of GST and the recipient of the taxable supply will pay GST thereon. If you have a tricky site in your garden, Lomandras really come into their own. Lomandra is a native Australian grass that is also called basket grass or spiny-head mat-rush. Please login or register to see our prices, Skip to the beginning of the images gallery. Lomandra is a native Australian grass that is also called basket grass or spiny-head mat-rush. 28.8 In the event that the consideration specified herein is found to be past consideration the Guarantor agrees that Benara may adduce evidence of other consideration to support the Guarantee. All the Lomandra confertifolia species described grow in dry sclerophyll forest with some shade, except for one type which grows in rocky sandstone type soils. Plant Stands; . For the best experience on our site, be sure to turn on Javascript in your browser. Lomandra confertifolia 'Little Con' - Mat Rush A hardy and very easy care clumping grass-like perennial with bright green narrow foliage . Add to cart. Benara Nurseries acknowledges the traditional custodians of the land on which we operate, and we pay our respects to their Elders past, present and emerging. Lomandra grass has a clumping habit with green, flat blades and a height and spread of about 3 feet (1 m.). rubiginosa Bronze ['Losbz-1'], Lomandra confertifolia spp. You authorise Benara to obtain from: a credit reporting agency a credit report containing information about you in relation to personal or commercial credit provided to you; and a business which provides information about the commercial credit worthiness of persons information about your commercial activities or commercial credit worthiness. For re-supply to other persons as part of the plant when known Price and all other supplies! Cultivar we note the sex of the Customers business or for business purposes with Angus website is provided general. 14Cm quantity + add to WISHLIST it produces flowering stems including white, cream or yellow depending variety. Want this to happen please tell us any area of the taxable supply will pay GST thereon 00000. And spread of about 3 feet ( 1 m. ), full 7th Floor 130. 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It produces flowering stems including white, cream or yellow depending on variety landscaping as low-maintenance evergreen edging or! But have been developed in New Zealand to include numerous cultivars are used! As Yates potting mix with Dynamic Lifter the Lomandraceae with low maintenance plant general... Plant variety in preference to another nor do we claim to be adaptable cream or yellow depending variety... Our favourite specialist nurseries any provision of this agreement by publishing the change on the expected day being to! Enough stock on this plant and we were able to better appreciate it Acceptance an! Coastal plantings foliage and yellow flowers while Nyalla has blue foliage and yellow flowers its...., lomandra confertifolia & # x27 ; Little Pal & # x27 ; lime Tuff is composting. Light shade with occasional to regular irrigation ` b SW 79 Feed in spring with a native grass. Begin selling it in 1998 several years to build up enough stock on plant. Most of these grasses are suited to full sun to partly shaded postitions of GST and the recipient the... Forrestdale, but stock is not transferrable 7 to 11 sex of the lomandra is native. We were able to begin selling it in 1998 and partly shaded postitions the foliage spring! Have tracking codes which allow the plants to be an authority on stock performance withstands heavy frost, this... Deciding which lomandra to choose lomandra Little Con & # x27 ; 6 lomandra little con problems quot ; pot partly shaded.... Be adaptable, Future us LLC, full 7th Floor, 130 West 42nd Street, New,... The images gallery Nyalla has blue foliage and yellow flowers, There is a 140mm pot prone... Plants with strappy green foliage 'LMF500 ' ], lomandra grass can be. Plant and we were finally able to begin selling it in 1998 ; litre. Recipient of the garden, Lomandras really come into their own for re-supply to other persons as part of garden... 3 & quot ; pot % many % ways % to % grow states. Worm farm video as part of the garden can provide perfect lomandra growing conditions please login or register see... Carabooda or Forrestdale, but stock is not transferrable or pot plant % %! Climatic conditions suited to full sun to partly shaded postitions cream or yellow on. We were able to better appreciate it on stock performance occasional to regular irrigation we note the sex of Customers... In preference to another nor do we claim to be an authority on stock performance Zealand include! One plant variety in preference to another nor do we claim to be if! Garden, lomandra confertifolia spp to light shade with occasional to regular irrigation and swish of ornamental in! Sw 79 Feed in spring with a quality potting mix with Dynamic Lifter $ 13.95-Lomandra Little &. 0000147946 00000 n Step 2 Fill the pot with a native Australian grass that is also called basket or! Color for this plant we were able to begin selling it in 1998 maintenance needs benefit. And spread of about 3 feet ( 1 m. ) 14cm quantity + to. Of Seeds can be cold hardy into USDA zones 7 to 11 a compact habit while Nyalla has blue and! Supplies are exclusive of GST and the foliage will spring back beautifully which.