By 1943, it was obvious that Messerschmitt alone could not cope with the wartime demands, so RLM officials decided to bring aboard another aircraft manufacturer. Der erste groe Luftangriff auf das Messerschmittwerk in Regensburg erfolgte am 17. Gleichzeitig wurden auch die Produktionssttten in Obertraubling ausgeweitet, wo sich die Werksbauten 1942 ber den gesamten Fliegerhorst ausgedehnt hatten.[1][4]. Due to extensive Allied Air Force activity near EKdo 16s base of operation, the unit began the process of relocating its aircraft to Anklam. The Bf-109 pilot Ren Darbois . Its achilles heel was its dangerous and volatile fuel from which a number of planes and pilot lives were lost. In November 1944 a Me 163 engaged a British Mosquito, damaging it and forcing its crew to abandon the aircraft. While the number of some 400 aircraft built seems significant, in reality only a dozen or so aircraft were ever used at any given time in combat. I have been looking all over for some 1940s era photographs of the Messerschmitt factories in Augsburg or Regensburg, or the Junkers factory in Dessau. 29,95 US$. When Schweinfurt was finally attacked again two months later, the lack of long-range fighter escort had still not been addressed and losses were even higher. [17], The Schweinfurt task forces followed the same route as the Regensburg force. These typically were fitted with narrow main wheels, the small upper wing bulges and the new streamlined cowl to accomodate the larger supercharger and modified engine mounts. That is until it ran out of fuel, at that point it was completely helpless and could only glide back to base. I have been looking all over for some 1940s era photographs of the Messerschmitt factories in Augsburg or Regensburg. Messerschmitt promoted a concept he called "light weight construction" in which many typically separate load-bearing parts were merged into a single reinforced firewall, thereby saving weight and improving performance. . 1943 waren diese Werke die zweitgrte Produktionssttte fr einmotorige Jagdflugzeuge in Europa. Cheers David. Ihre Infrastruktur wurde an das Netz der Stadt Regensburg angeschlossen und durch Ausbau neuer Straen, Verlngerung von Straenbahnlinien und der zugehrigen Wasser-, Strom- und Gasversorgungsleitungen verbessert. More than 700 bombs fell within the target area causing severe damage. Die Siedlung umfasste 1140 Wohnungen in 152 Einzel- und Mehrfamilienhusern. Fifteen minutes after leaving the target each task force circled over the town of Meiningen to reassemble its formations, then continued west toward Brussels. 183 bombers dropped 424.3 tons of bombs, including 125 tons of incendiary bombs. With LeMay escaping over the Alps, the Schweinfurt force would be left to face the full fury of the Luftwaffe on its return to England. Diese Seite wurde zuletzt am 2. Within a month of being set up, the company was able to supply aircraft to the war ministries of Prussia and Bavaria. 400. 40,000 inmates from Spain, Italy, Poland, Slovenia, France, Russia, Hungarian Jews and twenty other nationalities were murdered during the production of these aircraft at KZ Gusen. This is an apolitical forum for discussions on the Axis nations and related topics hosted by the Axis History Factbook in cooperation with Christian Ankerstjernes Panzerworld and Christoph Awender's WW2 day by day. Weekend edition of Bf 109G-6 produced by Messerschmitt Regensburg factory in 1/48 scale. In den folgenden Monaten wurden die bentigten Maschinen geliefert und aufgebaut und die Materiallager aufgefllt. Given that they could do little against it when the Me 163 was in its dive attack. Glad you like it and thanks for the comment! On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. by Jon G. 01 May 2009, 16:05, Post by Heimatschuss 01 May 2009, 00:25, Post - Food and Soda Drinks [citation needed] In practice, all BFW/Messerschmitt aircraft from the Bf 108 four-seat touring monoplane, to the Bf 163 light observation aircraft (which competed unsuccessfully for the government contract won by the rival Fieseler Fi 156 design) were prefixed "Bf", all later types with "Me". Im Werk selbst gab es fast 400 Todesopfer und die Anlagen waren so schwer zerstrt, dass zunchst keine Jagdflugzeuge mehr produziert werden konnten. On that day, another accident led to the death of a pilot and the loss of yet another aircraft. While the aircraft was heavily damaged, the pilot managed to survive. (Left) The first bombs hitting the Messerschmitt plant at Regensburg on August 17, 1943. Im Bereich des ehemaligen Messerschmitt-Gelndes bei Neutraubling werden bis heute immer wieder nicht detonierte Fliegerbomben von den Luftangriffen auf die Messerschmitt-Werke aufgefunden.[6][7]. Eighth Air Force bomber operations were calculated with one to two hours of climb and assembly into formations factored into mission lengths. On August 17, 1943, the USAAF suffered staggering losses in the two-pronged attack against the Messerschmitt fighter factory at Regensburg and the ball-bearing plants at Schweinfurt, Germany. It is from there that the Me 163s attempted to intercept a huge Allied air formation of some 766 bombers, supported with over 14 groups of cover fighters. In late 1944 II./JG400 was repositioned at Stargard. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. To achieve a "maximum effort" against Schweinfurt, the 1st Bomb Wing, with sufficient aircraft and crews to employ four wing-sized boxes, formed provisional groups as well as wings, accomplished by eight groups providing a squadron or spare aircraft to form the "composite groups" needed to form a fourth combat wing. Da es den Alliierten nicht verborgen blieb, dass die Produktion von Flugzeugen weiterhin erfolgte, wurden im Juli 1944 die Flugzeugwerke in Augsburg, Regensburg und Obertraubling erneut bombardiert und dabei fast vllig zerstrt. Being highly corrosive and deadly to the touch, the maintenance crews and pilots had to wear specially designed protective clothing and gloves. I model WWII Luftwaffe aircraft (1/72nd scale) and European Model Railways (HO scale). [citation needed] The field order for the mission specified that the B-17s would fly at altitudes between 23,000 and 26,500 feet (7,000-8,000 m), but approaching the coast of the Netherlands at 13:30, it was confronted with developing cloud masses not present earlier in the day. Mithilfe einer entwickelten Auslagerungsstrategie konnte die Produktion von Flugzeugen zahlenmig aber weitgehend aufrechterhalten werden. The 1st Bomb Wing was over German-occupied territory for three hours and thirty minutes, of which two hours and ten minutes, including all of the time spent over Germany itself, saw no fighter support whatsoever. In the autumn of 1921, Austrian financier Camillo Castiglioni first announced his interest in purchasing BFW. Even so, two damaged B-17s turned away from the Regensburg task force and landed in neutral Switzerland, where their crews were interned and the bombers confiscated. Bayerische Flugzeugwerke (BFW) (Bavarian Aircraft Works) was reformed in 1926, in Augsburg, Bavaria, when Udet Flugzeugbau GmbH was changed into a joint-stock company. They also produced the DFS-designed Me 163 Komet, the first rocket-powered design to enter service. In order to help circulate the fuel, two centrifugal pumps were placed inside the Me 163. Interestingly, the town of Schweinfurt contained 80 percent of Germany's ball bearing industry. At dawn of August 17, after airmen had gone to their airplanes, England was covered in fog. This was done by the unit mechanics, who wanted with this small gesture to bring good luck to their pilots. Probably its greatest contribution was that it provided a good experimental platform for flight tests at transonic speeds. Find Nazi Messerschmitt stock photos and editorial news pictures from Getty Images. Schon im Jahr 1935 wurde der bereits sehr erfolgreiche Prototyp vorgestellt, und damit war dessen Massenproduktion in Augsburg absehbar. Auf dem Gelnde des Werkes in Obertraubling wurde die heutige Stadt Neutraubling erbaut, in der sich zahlreiche Heimatvertriebene ansiedelten. On landing, the Me 163 were to use a simple retractable landing skid, placed beneath the fuselage. This aircraft was equipped with the experimental SG 500 Jagdfaust and managed to shoot down a British Lancaster bomber. After a number of attempts to get permission to flight test the Me 163, she was finally allowed to do so at the end of 1942. I found this site which may have some info if you contact them - sorry my German ain't that good. Finally, for the Me 163 production aircraft, the improved HWK-509 engine was chosen. [1][2][3], In Regensburg, all six main workshops of the Messerschmitt factory were destroyed or severely damaged, as were many supporting structures including the final assembly shop. 19 July 1944 Target: Messerschmitt Aircraft Factory, Augsburg, Germany Crew Member DB 351st Bomb Group Polebrook, England 508 th Squadron 509 th Squadron 510 th Squadron 511 th Squadron Group Mission #173 Credited Mission #167 Go to DATE: 19 July 1944 Target: Messerschmitt Aircraft Factory, Augsburg, Germany Briefing Outline: Woods, VIII Fighter Command transcription of 17 August 43, pp.110 and 111; Learn how and when to remove this template message, strategic bombing mission during World War II, "VIII Bomber Command 1 | American Air Museum in Britain", "Combat Claims & Casualties", transcriptions of RAF and VIII Fighter Command summaries by Tony Woods, The War Against the Luftwaffe: AAF Counter-Air Operations, April 1943 June 1944. - Coolers Come join the discussion about collections, displays, models, styles, scales, motors, reviews, accessories, classifieds, and more! The company survived in the post-war era, undergoing a number of mergers and changing its name from Messerschmitt to Messerschmitt-Blkow-Blohm before being bought by Deutsche Aerospace (DASA, now part of Airbus) in 1989. 36% of the capital was provided by the Bank fr Handel und Industrie, Berlin, 30% by MAN AG and 34% by Hermann Bachstein, Berlin. EKdo 16 began receiving the first operational Me 163Bs only in July, or February of 1943. While the Messerschmitt name and insignia were used on the car, a separate company, incorporated as Regensburger Stahl- und Metallbau GmbH, was created to manufacture and market the . 400. Das Werk wurde ab 1943 durch Luftangriffe nahezu vllig zerstrt. A quite interesting Me 163 air victory was achieved on the 10th April 1945 while piloted by Leutnant Fritz Kelb. Before each flight, the fuel tanks had to be thoroughly washed with water. This engine used a combination of T-Stoff and C-Stoff (a mixture of hydrazine hydrate, water, and methanol). While the commanders of EKdo 16 were against such a decision, there was little they could do and, by the end of September, the unit was on its way to Brandis. By then at least 15 bombers had been shot down or fatally damaged, 13 from the trailing formation. Despite attempts to improve visibility compared to the previous version, the Me 163B suffered from poor visibility, especially to the rear and in front of the aircrafts nose. ", Stamped on verso: "Passed for personal use only. Due to a lack of C-Stoff fuel, another series of delays impacted progress on training. This was an automated weapon firing mechanism capable of friendly fire if not managed properly. [citation needed], Inside German airspace, the Bf 109 G-6 fighters of 5 Staffel/JG 11, which had pioneered the fitment of the Werfer-Granate 21 unguided air-to-air rocket weapon system to the Luftwaffe's single engine day fighter force the previous day, as well as the similarly armed rocket-launching twin-engined Bf 110 Zerstrer heavy fighters, including night fighters, joined the battle as more than 300 fighters from 24 bases opposed the raid. The development of a network of supporting airfields for the Me 163 was also never completed. 84 was a strike by 376 bombers of 16 bomb groups against German heavy industry well beyond the range of escorting fighters. In an attempt to increase the Me 163s performance, Junkers cooperated with Dr. Lippisch. For example, while the Me 163 was cheap, due to many reasons it was never produced in any sufficient numbers to cause any serious threat to the Allies. He was supported in this by BMW's Managing Director Franz Josef Popp who, in a letter to the chairman of MAN, described BFW as a "dead factory, which possesses no plant worth mentioning, and consists very largely of dilapidated and unsuitable wooden sheds situated in a town that is extremely unfavorable for industrial activities and whose status continues to give little cause for enthusiasm". Given its phenomenal speed during dive attack at the enemy formation, the Me 163 was essentially immune to enemy fighter cover and was unable to do much against it. During his flight, he attempted twice to attack Allied bombers but failed to properly engage them. By the wars end, less than 400 aircraft of this type would be built. Because of the delayed start of the mission, eight squadrons of RAF Spitfire fighters (96 aircraft) from 11 Group and 83 Group had been added to escort the Schweinfurt force as far as Antwerp, where P-47s would take over and escort it to Eupen. Take-offs and landings were divided into two phases. Two are located in German museums: Luftwaffenmuseum at Berlin-Gatow and Deutsches Museum in Munich. It had 6 Me 163s, of which only one was equipped with a rocket engine. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. was the ball bearing factories, I'm pretty sure that the Messerschmitt factory was affected. Once there, they would be flight-tested by a number of pilots under the command of Karl Voy from EKdo16. I'd even settle for a history book of Messerschmitt that had some illustrations. BFW was reconstituted as "Messerschmitt AG" on 11 July 1938, with Willy Messerschmitt as chairman and managing director. On the 24th of August, eight Me 163 managed to shoot down three more bombers while successfully evading enemy fighter cover. Quickly, bring me a beaker of wine, so that I may wet my mind and say something clever, A Penguin is for life - not just elevenses,,, Damaged, the first operational Me 163Bs only in July, or February 1943. 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messerschmitt regensburg factory location