The River Otters are smaller and weigh between 10-30 pound. We surveyed state wildlife agency experts regarding 1) the legal status of river otters in their state, 2) the statewide river otter population trend, 3) the results of reintroduction efforts (if applicable), 4) the population status of river otters since reintroduction efforts, 5) the method(s) of river otter population monitoring, 6) how frequently adjustments are made to harvest regulations (if applicable), 7) and the geographic distribution of river otters in their state. [62], The North American river otter is considered a species of least concern according to the IUCN Red List, as it is not currently declining at a rate sufficient for a threat category. [36], North American river otters may prefer to feed on crustaceans, especially crayfish (Cambarus, Pacifasticus, and others) and crabs[52] more than fish where they are locally and seasonally plentiful. North American river otters are mainly fish eaters. [34] Fish remnants were found in 91.9% of the samples. These hydrodynamic members of the weasel family are voracious predators. Chasing is also a common game. The Sea Otters are larger and weigh between 40-95 pounds. Steele Creek Recreational Center, Satsuma, AL. [23], Aquatic life ties North American river otters almost exclusively to permanent watersheds. Furthermore, because river otters serve as a biomonitor for banned organochlorine pesticides in Illinois, a tool such as SVR used to inform researchers about optimal months for scat collection may facilitate the use of scat for chemical analysis and potential identification of individual otters via genetic profiles from scats (Carpenter et al . The North American river otter, a member of the subfamily Lutrinae in the weasel family (Mustelidae), is equally versatile in the water and on land. [46] In late 2012, a river otter nicknamed Sutro Sam took up residence around the former site of the Sutro Baths in San Francisco, the first river otter sighting in that city in more than half a century. River otters use their powerful hind feet to help with propulsion and their small, dexterous front feet for paddling through the water. They have small, round heads with small eyes and ears and prominent whiskers. They also scent mark using scent glands near the base of their tails that produce a strong, musky odor. Recently, long-term genetic consequences of reintroduction projects on remnant North American river otter populations has been discussed. 2020. 2003 ). Current status of populations unknown. The otters migrated to North America and southwards again across the Panamanian Land Bridge, which formed 3Mya. Females allow the male to return after approximately 10 to12 weeks to assist with rearing and teaching the pups essential survival skills. Based on our survey, river otters were harvested in 40 states during 2016. [30][32] They are less likely to be prey for the North American river otters since they are fast-swimming and can find good escape cover. About 13 different species exist around the world, but only two types - the River Otters and the Sea Otters live in the USA. Otters have sharp claws and webbing between toes on all four feet. Found at DOI: (38 KB XLSX). [1], Oil spills present a localized threat to otter populations, especially in coastal areas. Based on this 2016 survey, 22 states reported increasing populations, 25 states reported stable populations, and 2 states (Arizona and Washington) reported an uncertain population trend (Table 1). It is also possible that we underestimated the geographic extent of the range given that presence is unknown in some counties, particularly in arid regions, and these areas were excluded from our estimate. Subject: River Otter Status, Management, and Distribution in the United States: Evidence of Large-Scale Population Increase and Range Expansion, (Optional message may have a maximum of 1000 characters.). [30][38] North American river otters do not generally handle prey of a large size relative to themselves but there are occasions where they've been observed ambushing and killing adult common snapping turtles while the large turtles (which are roughly equal in average body weight to a North American river otter) are hibernating. They have small heads that widen through the neck into a long, thickset but streamlined body. You will often see an otter swimming for a distance up a river, popping its head out to look in your direction. 2015). Agency-enforced regulations include restrictions on harvest, harvest season length, harvest methods, and bag limits. These harvest-dependent data can be synthesized in appropriate population models to yield a wealth of information on population status and trends (Roberts 2010). Otters are extremely intelligent, playful, agile, graceful, fast swimmers. River otters are omnivorous, eating mostly aquatic organisms, including fish, frogs, crayfish, turtles, insects and some small mammals. [30] North American river otters generally feed on prey that is in larger supply and easier to catch. LIFE HISTORY AND ECOLOGY: [28] Otters are known to take larger fish on land to eat, whereas smaller fish are consumed in the water. They have long bodies, short limbs, and rich glossy coats. However, North American river otters remain rare or absent in the southwestern United States. Historically, the Cahaba was home to 48 different native freshwater mussel . In the Zoo, they eat meat, eggs, carrots, variety of fish (trout, catfish, herring, capelin, smelt). Are otters endangered in Alabama? [32] The North American river otters have also been known to catch and consume moulting American wigeon (Mareca americana) and green-winged teal (Anas crecca). Although the distribution became reduced in some regions of southern Canada, the only province-wide extinction occurred on Prince Edward Island. The river otter was included as an Appendix II species under the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora in 1977 as a result of concern that endangered otter species, such as Pteronura brasiliensis, could be misidentified as river otter because of a similar superficial appearance, which could lead to unintentional trade of endangered species; however, it is important to note that the river otter itself has never been considered a globally threatened or endangered species (Greenwalt 1977). CREATIVE. River otter Lontra canadensis population and regulatory status, population monitoring methods used, intent and outcome of reintroduction efforts, and frequency of harvest regulation reviews in 49 states (Hawaii excluded) within the United States in 2016. Other species of otters live on every continent except Australia and Antarctica. They can thrive in any water habitat, such as ponds, marshes, lakes, rivers, and estuariesin cold, warm, or even high-elevation areasas long as the habitat provides adequate food. 271 pp. Sea otters have the amazing capacity of being able to eat up to 25% of their body weight in food . Birds and birds' eggs, as well as small terrestrial mammals may also be eaten. [29][30], The diet of the North American river otter can be deduced by analyzing either stool obtained in the field,[31] or gut contents removed from trapped otters. For many years otters have been hunted for their fur. [41], Delayed implantation distinguishes the species from the European otter, which does not do this. Their thick fur helps to protect their skin from the water and allows them to withstand cold weather. Even fast-swimming fish like trout slow down in extremely cold water, leaving them vulnerable. The most severe population declines occurred in interior regions where fewer aquatic habitats supported fewer otter populations. Other restoration efforts were conducted to bolster existing river otter populations and to expand otter distributions and provide connectivity within states that had existing, but not ubiquitous, river otter populations (Table 1). [50] Fish species frequently found in the diets of the North American river otters include: Catostomidae, which consists of suckers (Catostomus spp.) River otters are also valued as a game species and furbearer ( Melquist et al. [30] However, river otters will prey on trout, pike, walleye (Sander vitreus vitreus), salmon (Oncorhynchus spp. River otters, members of the weasel family, hunt at night and feed on whatever might be available. The North American River Otter has a long, sleek body with a long, tapered tail covered in short, dense dark brown fur. Because they are almost always very close to a body of water, if they hear a human they can jump into the water quickly and make a fast getaway. 2008). As a result, slow-swimming fish are consumed more often than game fishes when both are equally available. River otters generally live alone or in small social groups. The North American river otter (Lontra canadensis), also known as the northern river otter or the common otter, is a semiaquatic mammal endemic to the North American continent found in and along its waterways and coasts. ); Cyprinidae, made up of carp (Cyprinus spp. River otters in Yellowstone Lake depend on a declining . in hatcheries or other fish culture facilities). Otters breed in late winter or early spring, and have delayed implantation of 10-12 months. Males are generally larger than females. Comparisons between our survey and published reports from 1998 (Melquist et al. We estimated that river otter range in the continental United States expanded by 10.2% during this period (Table 3). Twenty-one of the 23 states (91.3%) that implemented reintroductions reported that populations were increasing or had reached population goals, and 2 states (Minnesota and North Dakota) indicated that populations were stagnant or geographically restrained (Table 1). Weight: 11-30 lbs. North American river otters also inhabit the forested regions of the Pacific coast in North America. The most common fish consumed are perch, suckers, and catfish. Twentyseven states, including Alabama, have trapping seasons, and four states and two provinces [19] An average adult male weighs about 11.3 kilograms (25lb) against the female's average of 8.3 kilograms (18lb). The first River Otter that I have seen and I visit the area daily. Note: Above species may only be taken by TRAPPING ONLY. Chanticleer Press, Inc. 937 pp. River otters were legally harvested in 40 states, while closed harvest seasons existed in 9 states; Arizona, California, Colorado, Nebraska, New Mexico, Rhode Island, South Dakota, Utah, and Wyoming (Table 1). [26][32][33] Bottom-dwelling species, which have the tendency to remain immobile until a predator is very close, are susceptible to North American river otters. River otter dens are along the water in abandoned burrows or empty hollows. Some variation is to be expected because each jurisdiction has different resources and priorities for wildlife programs. Lutra was the early European name (from Latin), and the specific epithet canadensis[9] means "of Canada". uses AI to write automatic meeting notes with real-time transcription, recorded audio, automated slide capture, and automated meeting summaries. An adult North American river otter can weigh between 5.0 and 14kg (11.0 and 30.9lb). Washington, D.C. 750 pp. The ears appear large on its small flattened head. North American river otters are not scavengers; they avoid consuming carrion (dead animals). [23], Like other otters, the North American river otter lives in a holt, or den, constructed in the burrows of other animals, or in natural hollows, such as under a log or in river banks. Reintroduction projects have expanded their distribution in recent years, especially in the Midwestern United States. ), daces (Rhinichthys spp. Mink, Muskrat, Otter, and Striped Skunk. If you are one of the [32][34] The most common amphibians recognized were frogs (Rana and Hyla). Sometimes they eat aquatic plants. An otters home range may be as small as five miles to as large as 40 miles. Female North American river otters give birth in these burrows, producing litters of one to six young. HABITAT: [26][33], Amphibians and reptiles are more obtainable by the North American river otter during the spring and summer as a result of breeding activity, appropriate temperatures, and water supply for the prey. [54][57], Cases where otters have been ambushed and consumed by grizzly bears (Ursus arctos horribilis) and polar bears (Ursus maritimus) have also been reportedly witnessed near the Arctic region. They have sharp canine teeth to catch and hold their prey. [26][32][33] Game fish, such as trout (Salmonidae) and pike (Esocidae), are not a significant component of their diets. Diet: Primarily consumes fish, mollusks and other invertebrates. LIFEHISTORY AND ECOLOGY: The species is widely distributed throughout its range. Also, North American river otters have large molars used for crushing hard objects, such as the shells of molluscs. This dilemma prevents, and consequently inhibits, recolonization or growth of North American river otter populations. Otters are known for their playful nature, even as adults. Their gestational period can last anywhere from two months to one year, as otters are capable of delayed implantation. William H. Burt and Richard P. Grossehnheider. [33] Otters have been found to consume invasive Asian carp. However, urbanization and pollution instigated reductions in range area. [1], Lontra canadensis is listed in Appendix II of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES). Otters are what we call an indicator species. This means that if there is evidence of otters living in a body of water then that body of water is likely very healthy and clean. Otter play mostly consists of wrestling with conspecifics. Adult body weights vary greatly, but normally range from 11 to 33 pounds. States reported a variety of methods that were used to monitor river otter populations. In 4 seconds, you will be redirected to, the site of the National Wildlife Action Fund, a 501(c)(4) organization. River Otter Quick Facts. Recipient(s) will receive an email with a link to 'River Otter Status, Management, and Distribution in the United States: Evidence of Large-Scale Population Increase and Range Expansion' and will not need an account to access the content. TheNorth Americanriver otter (Lutra canadensis) is a member of the weasel family. Field Guide to Mammals, North America. [16] The dental formula is [1] Otters have recently re-established themselves on Prince Edward Island. Jurisdictions that have harvest are afforded more monitoring opportunities through harvest-dependent data sources, such as catch-per-unit effort, distribution of harvests, and sex and age-structure of harvests. A river otter can grow three to four feet (0.9 to 1.2 meters) long including its tail and weigh between 11 and 30 pounds (5 to 14 kilograms). The tail makes up about a third of their total length. Promoting more-inclusive outdoor experiences for all. River otters are totally protected in 17 states. A member of the weasel family, otters are semiaquatic animals that feed on insects, fish, amphibians, small reptiles, and shellfish. Otters are very secretive and shy and would rather run away than attack. Size Adult river otters weigh 10 to 33 pounds (4.5 to 15 kilograms) and are about 2.5 to 5 feet (76 to 152 centimeters) in length. They are fast, agile swimmers and able to out-maneuver their prey. We're on the ground in seven regions across the country, collaborating with 52 state and territory affiliates to reverse the crisis and ensure wildlife thrive. We tallied responses to these questions and reported frequency of responses. DESCRIPTION: They have a very high metabolism, so they need to eat frequently. The river otter is adapted for both land and water with short legs, webbed toes, and a strong, flattened tail. Description of metadata is included. Within states that harvested otters, regulations concerning river otter harvest seasons were reviewed and adjusted regularly. (c) Biodiversity Heritage Library, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC-SA). [50] The few occurrences of mammals found in the North American river otter's diet include: muskrats (Ondatra zibethicus); meadow voles (Microtus pennsylvanicus); eastern cottontails (Sylvilagus floridanus); and snowshoe hares (Lepus americanus). They have small, round heads with small eyes and ears and prominent whiskers. A river otter chews on a chunk of raw fish during feeding time at the Florida Aquarium in Tampa in 2021.. [54], During the winter and spring, when the water levels were higher, North American river otters had a greater tendency to prey upon crayfish (73% of scats had crayfish remains) rather than fish. As per the North American Model of wildlife conservation, river otters are held in the public trust by the government and are managed by state and federal agencies as well as by native tribes (Mahoney and Geist 2019). They once lived in streams, rivers, lakes, swamps, and coastal areas throughout Canada and the United States. Nathan M. Roberts, Matthew J. Lovallo, Shawn M. Crimmins; River Otter Status, Management, and Distribution in the United States: Evidence of Large-Scale Population Increase and Range Expansion. Late seasonal breeding of river ot- ters in Yellowstone National Park. We estimated the county-level geographic distribution occupied by river otters in the continental United States during 2016 to be approximately 7,422,120 km275% of the total land area and 94% of the available total water area. In Mexico, the North American river otters lived in the Rio Grande and Colorado River Deltas. American Midland Naturalist 156: 189-192. Mammals of North America. (Figure 1). Crustaceans may even be consumed more than fish. We also thank the Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies for logistical assistance. [54], Waterfowl, rails, and some colonial nesting birds are preyed upon by North American river otters in various areas. They can live eight to nine years in the wild but have lived up to 21 years in captivity. The mammals have thick, protective fur to help them keep warm while swimming in cold waters. Otters can travel several miles over land to reach another body of water to set up new territories. Wild Furbearer Management and Conservation in North America. For instance, an Alberta, Canada study involved the collection and analysis of 1,191 samples of North American river otter scat (feces) collected during each season. ", "North American River Otter National Wildlife Federation", "Basic Facts About North American River Otters", "Distribution and abundance of river otter in Voyageurs National Park, Minnesota", "Food habits of the river otter in Suisun Marsh, Central California", "Feeding relationships of river otters in northeastern Pennsylvania", Food habits of the North American river otter (, "Social Networks and the Formation and Maintenance of River Otter Groups", "Art Lander's Outdoors: Once endangered river otters now likely to be found in Kentucky for generations", Colorado Otters May No Longer Need Protection, How river otters are making a comeback on P.E.I. North American river otter A pair at the San Francisco Zooin 2005 Conservation status Least Concern (IUCN 3.1)[1] CITESAppendix II (CITES)[1] Scientific classification Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata Class: Mammalia Order: Carnivora Family: Mustelidae Genus: Lontra Species: L. canadensis Binomial name Lontra canadensis (Schreber, 1777) The remaining states indicated that they reintroduced river otters to expand populations in their state beyond their current range, including three states that indicated that reintroductions were also used to reestablish extirpated populations and seven states that used reintroductions to bolster populations where they already existed (Table 1). North American river otters are natural swimmers and, with parental supervision, they acquire the skills necessary to swim. ), shiners (Notropis and Richardsonius spp. Harvest-based surveys were the most commonly used monitoring approach, being used by 35 states (Table 1). [35] However, North American river otters, as foragers, will immediately take advantage of other prey when readily obtainable. [21] It differs from the European otter by its longer neck, narrower visage, the smaller space between the ears and its shorter tail. North American river otters only settle in areas that consist of vegetation, rock piles, and sufficient coverage. [48], Historical records indicate North American river otters were once populous throughout most major drainages in the continental United States and Canada prior to European settlement. 2010). Although populations may continue to increase numerically, river otters may be approaching their potential maximum geographic distribution in the United States. Litter size ranges anywhere from one to five pups. Reproduction: Once yearly with an average litter of 2-3 and up to 6. Scientific studies have shown them to be sensitive to pollution. Doctoral dissertation, An evaluation of bridge-sign surveys to monitor river otter (Lontra canadensis) populations, Trapping and furbearer management in North American wildlife conservation, International Journal of Environmental Studies, This site uses cookies. Young are able to fully care for themselves at about six months of age but they do not usually leave their mother until about one year. [32] Fish are the primary component of the North American river otter's diet throughout the year. This reach of the Alabama River is located within a 30-minute drive of hotels, restaurants, service stations, and grocery stores in Monroeville, Grove Hill, and Jackson. [2], North American river otters, like most predators, prey upon the most readily accessible species. They have short legs, webbed feet for faster swimming, and a long, narrow body and flattened head for streamlined movement in the water. 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