But Ive seen a pattern with these pairings being attracted to each other often. I have never met an outwardly sensitive Cancer placement. If the planet is Venus in the 6th, the individual may have a sweet tooth! So for me, my Neptune is in the 6 (omf the amount of Virgo and Libra degrees in my chart) in the 2nd house at 10. Mars is my Malefic by Sect. If you are wanting to attract a new romantic partner or even new friends. In synastry, North Node connections are often intended to teach us important life lessons. I have a sag Venus, so I really bore easily if I dont find a romantic partner interesting. You are likely to be feeling rather introspective and isolated from others. astrology thoughts/observations of the week. For example, someone with Uranus Retrograde placed in their 10th house, may feel as if they cannot control their reputation, or they experience frequent/uncontrollable changes in their careers or career path. You will likely experience frequent inconveniences in this area during this transit. I can never escape it. Also, I have a lot of fears in regards to my relationships such as that theyll hurt me, and my relationships have transformed me a lot. She may have also had to go through a lot to make sure that you were taken care of. I have not had my first Saturn return yet, but I have had Saturn transiting an angle in my chart. So let me know what you guys think! The difference between Praying, Manifesting and Meditating. Ive seen this in a lot of charts of people who were able to get on their own two feet later than the norm. HOWEVER, I have noticed that people typically experience the benefits of a Jupiter Return about a year after it has occurred. For example, they may have gotten their license, first job, or first home later than most! People who have Uranus in the 7th may have a tendency to attract relationships that are unpredictable, and have an on-and-off again dynamic to them. Its connected to beauty, and charm. Sun is exalted in Aries (in Vedic astrology), so everything shines through. They are not easy transits, especially eclipses occurring on the 6H/12H axis! Neptune also relates to pain. However, since mercury rules over communication and transport. My imagination is also very preoccupied with helping other people, Im literally always daydreaming about how Im going to help people at my future job (6). -Approach/Expression: Bold, confident, blunt, warrior, confrontational . Okay so I just want to say that the difficult Saturn transits affected my emotional state more than anything. At its worst, it can indicate rare diseases, tragic accidents, and making someone evil. Sagittarius Moon often represent the natives mother comes from a big family (sometimes religious or with high morals/ideals), but often happens that individual doesnt want children of their own or doesnt want to get married. They are usually more detached with affection as well, much more expressive through acts of service and words of affirmation. Its not uncommon to adopt an entirely new aesthetic/make drastic changes to your personality during a 1st house profection year. You are always aware of what other people are doing in your space. They would also befriend the new friend that their ex is interested in. 3)Planets/Asteroids: Characters/Archetypes of an area of life. Id imagine that the Geminis in question would be Rohini Nakshatra in Vedic astrology, which is described by astrologers asbabylike and wanting to experience bliss all the time much like babies do. Your posts had everything: dedication, insight, wisdom. In friendships, I strongly dislike 12 and 8th house synastry. Side note, Ive also had Saturn transiting my ascendant! 11: So I saw a few different meanings for this degree. So I like to say that it manifests more as themes, rather than personality traits! I will be closing my chart readings at the end of August for a few weeks, as I do have a full-time job on top of doing Readings but for now they are still open The link to my website is in my bio if you are interested in purchasing a reading. When it comes to family synastry, if you have 2nd our 8th house overlays with a family member it can suggest that you help them out financially or perhaps they help YOU out financially. Couples who have significant 3H synastry are usually vocal with each other about sex. I highly recommend going out when you have transit Venus making a sextile, conjunction, or a trine to your Ascendant. I think a lot of people fearmonger when it comes to mercury retrogrades. A note on the difference between a composite and a synastry chart! I unfortunately do not at this time, doing chart readings takes a lot of time and energy. They are actually some of the most confrontational and straight to the point people. I discussed this in another post, so Im going to just copy and paste what I said. For example, if you have a Taurus IC other people can think you come from money, or you grew up quite financially well-off. The people are dying and because of the American and European sanctions => cargo airplanes refuse to land on Syrian airports so there's no equipmens to save the Syrian. These people often need to work on healing their inner child, as they fear being judged and ridiculed by others. Id guess its because the majority of the time, a Leo rising will have fierce, loving, protective and loyal Scorpio in the 4th house of home, family, and the heart space. Pisces Moon men and Moon in the 12th house: fan of phone sex, might call like a hotline or something and mutual masturbation. They may feel as if the Sun person wants things to be done their way, with little to no consideration for their feelings (the moon persons feelings). tagged: #aries #taurus #gemini #cancer #leo #virgo #libra #scorpio #sagittarius #capricorn #aquarius #pisces #astrology observations #astro notes #nessus #astrology asteroids #jupiter in the signs #uranus in the signs #solar return #draconic chart #scorpio moon #cancer moon #pisces moon #venus in the . Saturn in the 7H of a composite chart, is actually a great placement for Saturn. Meaning you dont have to pay to view them. They are not afraid of being in opposition with anyone (Aries/Mars being the God of War) so when they disagree with something you said or did, you will FEEL it especially if youre a Water sign they wont make the effort to hide their facial expression, or posture or anything of that nature. Observations about the rising signs from the eyes of a Scorpio Rising watching you all from the corner with x-ray vision O_o jk xD. You knew she loved you unconditionally, but you did not want to get on her bad side. For me, my Mercury is in the 19 in the 8th house at 10. #astrology observations on Tumblr Latest Top astroismypassion Follow spellcastinq asked: hi! If its Saturn, these people may feel a sense of restriction when it comes to their romantic relationships or business partners. So I want anyone who is currently going through a difficult Saturn transit to know that you will be okay, and you will make it through any challenges you may be going through. However, Ive seen this placement in a Solar Return chart as having something significant happen. For example, a couple who both have similar mental health problems, or a couple who are both recovering from addiction etc this couple needs to be careful of the potential tendency to enable each others bad habits or delusions. Anyway its done now its better to move on and not mourn. Palestine had an earthquake yesterday it wasn't strong but turkey did warn Italy, Lebanon and Tunisia about a tsunami and yesterday the The sea tide in Lebanon decreased by 20 metres which means tsunami on its way . Leo degrees- 5, 17, 29: strong, bold, royal, leader, attention, life, high school, fun, athletes, creativity, self-expression, strength, gym, mountain, the hill, hair. They dont go back to their ex unless placed in a Water house (4th, 8th, 12th) or due to other influences in the other chart. As with the 7th house and 7 relationships are also a big motivator for me; I always want to do whats best for my relationship and will fight for my relationships no matter what it takes (this can be my downfall ofc). You are free to do and decide whatever you want. I will still be doing paid chart readings for the next 3 weeks before I close them indefinitely link is in my bio , Please do not repost any of my content on other social media platforms, even if you credit me . . Libra risings are also often very quiet, but I think this one depends. Alternatively, it could mean that you were raised in a very religious home. Trust me it wasnt an impulsive decision since Im not feeling guilty and not missing those posts right now maybe because I already have those information living in my mind but I understand your point I cant compare between the maker which is me having all this information as a part of me and you the accepter needing to know them so yeah maybe you are right maybe I should have linked them for learning purposes. If you have Jupiter conjunct the MC, you may work as a spiritual teacher, or an academic teacher. The amount of Libra energy here. Ive noticed that the person whose natal chart aligns most with the composite chart, tends to feel more invested in the relationship. It felt like the whole world was against me, and people were determined to attack my character. If you have the Sun conjunct your MC, your career may appeal to males, or male figures are likely to play a key role in your career success. Or any transits that were significant in your life! Is it a benefic (Venus/Jupiter)? Youre likely to share some 3H,4H and 9H synastry with some of your closest friends! If breaking generational curses was a placement, Id honestly argue that it would be having your Chiron in Scorpio. cancer sun, cancer mercury, cancer venus, cancer mars, aries moon, sag rising. I don't know what's happening but humanity is over. She likely taught you that confidence is what gets you far in life. This is especially true if Union if found in the 10th house (making a conjunction to the MC). also please do not reword or copy my observations. If you have an earth sign (especially Capricorn) over your 5th or 7th house cusps. Sometimes their mothers were not physically present, and other times they were present, but emotionally absent. Neptune in the 2nd house, sometimes Pisces in the 2nd house indicates you might end up in a coodependent relationship, have a toxic partner, someone who abuses alcohol/drugs, because you didnt have a healthy image of your parents relationship. Hello, thank you Anon for the appreciation you are showing for my astrology work it really means a lot, leaving my fingerprint in astrology like inspiring others and helping people understand themselves more is such an honor for me. They like sounds of items while cooking or other random sounds of certain objects. Observations about degrees nobody talks about in astrology pt.1 3=People who have their personal planets or prominent placements (like angular houses or when two strong planets form a conjunction) at 3, you were born to be a journalist/ teacher/ writer/editor or work in media in general (same for 15/27) In order to predict major life events, one needs to look at transits, progressions, solar arcs, solar returns, & sometimes lunar returns, if we are getting into specifics. Take Tom Brady for example! Definitely the type to kiss a lot of people without ever developing feelings. Donald Trump has this. Having a Jupiter return during this year, can either decrease feelings of loneliness and sadness ,or increase them, as Jupiter is the planet of expansion. I noticed not just that they enjoy pain, but Aquarius Venus will fall in love when they allow themselves to fall in love and no sooner. Whenever Im sad, I just eat a lot. Often they put themselves in unreciprocated situations, so that they can feel in control or like they are accomplishing something. Looking at their masterlist helps a lot! your 5th house being in the 6 degree). But I do feel as if people exaggerate this transit, as they are far worse transits out there. Please dont make this apply to you if it doesnt, and my intention isnt to offend or upset anybody, I just thought it would be interesting to share this observation. I actually think its quite similar to having someones moon falling in your 12th. Personally, I know people with this degree, and theyve never shown an indication that they would do something like that. Alternatively, their relationships often become public knowledge. However, they come to realize that they do in fact have feelings for the North Node person, but by the time they realize this, the North Node person is completely over it, or feels as if they are 2nd best etc.. so the cycle continues. If transit Venus is also making positive aspects to your luminaries or other personal planets the affects of the positive Jupiter transits are likely to be magnified. This is why so many 21 year olds, feel lost or overwhelmed because they are expected to have their lives together, as they have now have reached the age where they are considered an adult. Its not the worst, and if other factors support the idea of a healthy and long-term relationship between two people, it can actually be a good thing. Also, this tells me that Id best make money by going into either a creative field, law/business, or helping people in relationships (maybe marriage counseling). Anyway, I find when Mars transits my 10th house or 12th house, my life literally falls apart. History, things of the past: Nikola mentions that Capricorn degrees represents old things and history. I've found that they account for attractions that are not visible in the synastry between two people. Ive noticed that a lot of women who have Leo moons, have mothers who try and live through them, or try and outshine them in some way. People who have their Saturn placed in the 5th house often struggle when it comes to letting loose and having fun. Its not this scary evil transit, as mentioned above, it produces inconveniences more than anything. , I keep wanting to say Cancer Sun, but I think its more like Pisces Sun, Pisces Rising and Gemini Moon , Libra sun in the 6th, moon in the 4th in Leo and Taurus rising . mercury represents twins (this is bc geminis ruled by mercury and the gemini symbol is twins) people with uranus in retrograde most likely have been electrocuted by something. Ive noticed a significant change in my emotional expression, and how I approach the world and my responsibilities. Alternatively, they may feel as if they dont have control over the area of life in which their Uranus is situated in. You have the potential to be a philosophical or religious leader. Some say Scorpio Chiron/Chiron in the 8th had intimate, sexual experiences early in their life. In terms of synastry, any time someones Mercury made a square to my Ascendant I honestly had no idea what they were trying to say 90% of the time lmao. Further, with the 18 here I tend to become too overindulged by worrying about being healthy, despite me being a healthy person, I tend to worry myself sick. Having a Sagittarius Rising in a composite chart can suggest that the two people met abroad! So, for my placements: Sun in Libra (10th house), Moon in Virgo (9th house) Rising in Sagittarius (1st house) relevant additional information: I've got a stellium in Scorpio on my 11th house. Alternatively, you might find that your mother always attracted a lot of attention. They may feel as if they are just two different people, with two very different approaches & temperaments in life. Active person on my dash and the colors are always so lively. You must also pay attention the the planet that is your chart ruler. Gemini over the 7th house might indicate you will die in traffic, on the road. 6: Can indicate a love affair at work if it is on the 5th house cusp. My love there's no " Isra*l " it was Palestine, still Palestine and will always be Palestine those who call themselves " Isra*lis" are guests who remained more than they should in the Palestinian land. Don't you think they have a right to exist as part of your old self? Saturn: Your degree here shows what you struggle with. After their first Saturn return (if the malefic is Saturn) their perspectives are likely to change, and they may be more open to new experiences in these areas of life. I must also add that I had saturn squaring my sun, moon, & mercury at the same time that pluto was squaring my Sun & Mercury. I also daydream about becoming well-known for whatever field I decide to go into. If its Venus, you may work in the beauty industry, law and diplomacy, or anything related to the arts. So, thats probably why this was an extremely difficult time in my life. For example, lets say your mother has multiple planets (especially her Sun or her Venus) falling into your 8th house. And Taurus Sun man dont usually attract wealthy partner, but their partner is physically attractive and has some sort of influence. This definitely rings true for me because my depression has caused a lot of transformations for me. I felt quite dejected, and unmotivated. Which might be true for SOME experiences, but most often Ive seen these people as very late bloomers or very late to fall in love. You are free to do and decide whatever you want. One real life famous example is Amber Heard (Gemini Chiron) and Johnny Depp (Gemini Sun). This is especially true for their Venus in my 8th house. I also become very motivated when it comes to being a leader or being in charge of something; as soon as Im in charge I strive to be the best. Im going to use my own degrees as examples! This observation was made in reference to the whole Adam Levine scandal. They are not tolerant or not just forgive and forget this mistake, so they are unlikely to stay married. Other than this, there can be an ethereal and self-sacrificing love that exists between the two. I try my best to make my observation posts as detailed as possible, and my patreon posts are all public! Girl, get yourself a Sagittarius Sun with Capricorn Moon and Libra or Virgo Rising! You may also see Saturn sextile Ascendant or Venus trine Saturn synastry aspects in some of your long-term friendships! To provide better context, Saturn & Pluto were squaring my luminaries from my 12th house. Imagine not dying but listening to your loved ones under ground asking for your help and you feel helpless and end up hearing them taking their last breath while you are just standing there. However, what I will say is they wont go out looking for a confrontation unprovoked, but they certainly are not these crybabies people have stereotyped them to be. Your work will likely involve religion/spirituality, traveling, learning & teaching. During this transit, I lost almost every single friend I had, and people were adamant that I was a horrible person. Im also very interested in true crime and the criminal justice system, which fits these degrees as well (and my Mercury in the 8th of course). You are freedom-loving, and a spontaneous seeker of the truth. He stated himself that this is one of the best degrees to have as it is all about enjoying life and having fun. However, its not as jarring or intrusive as the 12th house overlay. They will do thenormal stuff like go to school/work, do normal every day stuff but theyll often not fully divulge whats going on emotionally (which is why to me it makes sense that Sagittarius becomes Scorpio in most cases in Vedic). Neptune: Your degree here shows what our dreams are like and our imagination. Cancer Sun or Sun at a Cancer degree (4, 16, 28) men often have more feminine first or middle name. However, my chart readings are still open (the link is in my bio!) Mercury retrogrades are arguably one of the more popular and mainstream astrological happenings. , Bella waking up in the middle of the night and seeing the weird kid from her biology class standing in the corner, i dont know how she didnt scream if it was me ill be throwing pillows. So Im going to give the basis of the degree theory (note: this is based on research not what I believe) and then Im going to give my opinions on it based from my own observations. I say inconveniences as that is exactly what these transits are, as the tend to impact technology, communication, transport, travels, and relationships. However, lets take someone like the Queen (Elizabeth) for example. It also shows insights on how you handle anger. Transits to the composite chart also play a major role in assessing comparability. Jupiter in your Solar Return chart can show you the area of life in which you may be attracting more luck and abundance over the next year. 12TH DEGREE OF ARIES. Capricorn North Node and North Node in the 10th house just gift you if you like something they have. They also have their composite moon conjunct their composite mars which is another indication of fertility. So a person that has Sun sign the same as your Chiron sign. Fame at the local degree! 2,190 Likes, 52 Comments - Astrology Observations (@sosastrology) on Instagram: "Credit: melancholyy-mermaid, saturnianneptune & darkacademicvirgo on Tumblr!! Theres something about them that you cant miss- could relate to how in Vedic, most of the Virgo risings will be Leos. I also like to use communication in a creative way, i.e. I also am very motivated at the gym, Ill workout for 2+ hours just to prove how strong I am to myself and others. It doesnt mean that these people are immature they often just get the hang of adult responsibilities later than most. Contrary to popular belief, Aquarius placements are actually some of the most loyal people. 7th house shows the actual event of your death. These people could literally be make up artists, or they might use their art & talents to empower others, and make them feel confident in their own skin. Sad to hear about your announcement. Aquarius Venus might just kiss their platonic friend for fun or to prove something in front of their friends or to get their other friends from their back teasing them or shipping them together. This suggests that she likely helps you a lot with your finances or perhaps she intends to leave an inheritance for you. It helps if you have 11th, 7th, and 5th house transits happening at the same time too! These individuals usually go on to set up home in a country that is different to the one that they were born and raised in. If you have planets like Jupiter, Venus or the Sun in the solar return 7th house, you may be attracting new love into your life. However, she was known, and is still known as the peoples princess. Saturn in the 7th house of a Composite Chart can indicate the potential for marriage/long-term relationship. Nobody knew we were seeing each other, and we had been on and off -on the low for years. THE LIBRA DEGREES (7,19): Spouses or things related to your spouse Weddings (including wedding rings) Trials (Court) Justice system (This includes judges, lawyers, etc) Politicians Round shapes (This was interesting because remember that Nikola mentioned that the Aries degrees represent corners and angles. With the easy aspects (trines, sextiles) I found that the Venus person was very caring towards me and they gave me a lot of grace. Pisces degrees- 12, 24: Swimming, water, rain, flood, fog, unclear, secret, hospital, drugs, alcohol, prison, painter, p*rnography, sleeping, shadows, madness, the psyche, lethargy, and our unconscious. If you have Jupiter conjunct Pluto in your chart in the money houses (2,8,11) you have a higher chance of winning large cash prizes from games of chance such as the lottery. Hi everyone, this is another compilation of random Astro observations! Please see my recent reblogged post for a few reviews, and click the link in my bio if you are interested . When this Saturn square Saturn occurs, you are quite literally being forced to grow up and accept new responsibilities. However, with the squares and oppositions, I honestly felt that the Venus person was not perceiving me accurately. Sagittarius Sun is very youre dead to me when they end a connection. If you have the ruler of your 2nd house placed in the 3rd, you may earn money through your siblings, writing, learning or short-distance travels! Libra Chiron is very prone to jealousy. You are extremely ambitious but you are often impatient, and you have the tendency to give up on something before giving it time to mature, and bear fruit. Always with earthy, rich purpose. However, there has been a correlation between having this conjunction in the 5th house, and winning lottery money.

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