Or even write a shhool project. I put my tin hat on. 21 January, 2021 at 1:08 pm. I for one will look forward when she tells her side of the events and hopefully clear up this saga. Stuart Campbell .Sorry about that it was supposed to be in jest and I did not realise how draconian the whole thing had become. Completely unrelated of course but if a, possibly now ex, friend of an alleged victim of a crime can say with certainty that their story doesnt hold up would that be because they know where that person was? @Rev. To be threatened with prison for saying the name in any context hmmm I wonder why. Personally I wouldnt do it from within the EU unless youre VERY sure indeed where the data is going and youre a citizen of that state. It is never going to be in the papers, guys, because every single part of it is made up." WebIsn't it the time you try GNatural? Is there just one? Just carrying on and saying just this once is not an option because it never is just this once. Well, either they will, or they wont and will remain totally silence. 21 January, 2021 at 11:50 am. Just this weekend, Mathieu Gallet spoke to The Times about how the rumour linking him with Emmanuel Macron led to paparazzi camping outside his flat. Regarding this cipher of a woman in specific, and the alphabettys in general. WebLynn@hawaiibac.com | Call Today 801-428-7210 . Editors' Code of Practice. Stu, ok, just thought I would check. Come on someone in some parliament somewhere spill the beans!! Stuart Campbell says: They are clearly NOT working in Scotlands interests which is after all, the remit of First Minister. Why you cant tell us the names of the people. But if she is, then yes, naming her husband would clearly identify her and therefore be contempt. I understand there have been cases where these came to light due to an MP mentioning them while protected by parliamentary privilege. Time will reveal all. The conspiracy will come out cause the security services and hence the government have all the evidence and they will use it to stop independence and Nicola says she will carry forward independence. It should be at the back of the broom cupboard in Ian Blackfords office. Too many know already and all will know soon. Unless this is sorted, the SNP are finished. A citizen of another country in the EU, not under the juridiction of the (third country status) UK? The only questions that remain, are: when? Is nobody within the SNP going to speak up, are you all just a bunch of political lapdugs???? We must accept that. However to claim, as you did, the whole Scottish legal profession is corrupt is rubbish. You assume wrongly. Stu, do you agree with me that there seems to be a concerted effort going on to tarnish the ability of the Scottish courts to avoid being corrupted by malign governments. To be honest with you when i first seen the silhouette picture at the top of this thread it wasnt anyone connected to the ScotGov or SNP (not directly anyway) who sprung to mind. Alex Salmond in todays Belfast Telegraph. Of course, it wont matter in the long run if were legally in the right, what with the fun precedents now being set in the era of Covid kangaroo courts.. Watch what you say unless youre happy to have plod at the door with a warrant., Aye, that would be sae typically 21st Century Scotland, Getting threatened with physical violence by the drug-dealing shithead son of a drug-dealing shithead?phone call, incident number, now remember, phone us right back if youre getting the shit kicked out of you, Say online what Ive said above?Get the old Morning knock from the AS fitup squadach, Ill just enquire of them the age of their dear grannies. It wasnt happening. We need the full truth, yes agree on that. The premise is that Nicola Sturgeon caught her secret lesbian lover a high ranking diplomat in bed with another woman in the posh Edinburgh hotel. The image isnt a clue. First Amendment rights would apply and youd have to search VERY hard to find a judge who would state otherwise. I go back to a time when Margaret Ewing was the local SNP person when I was in in the RAF and serving on Scotland. She was very very anti military the whole world would know if it was her. He believes the story was conceived by Mr Macrons colleagues in Franois Hollandes cabinet, in a bid to stop him becoming President. So when he was told that the killer was trans, or a crossdresser, he likely wouldnt have checked too hard. Socrates MacSporran says: The Link to Podcast is on Mr Dangerfields Blog: It clarifies some points in this convoluted saga. Yes, you are right that I dont have any details that I could share from here. Jockanese Wind Talker, I am not a lawyer, but I believe I would be covered by the First Amendment to the United States Constitution. Not really a great start to sowing the seeds of regaining independence. This is why this case is so important. If I Google the persons name will I be arrested?. without err informing everyone of the thing which they must not be informed of, is the risible bit Dont think of elephants? Although you are in a remote destination you can always bank on us Some additional information (suppressed by mainstream media): It should be at the back of the broom cupboard in Ian Blackfords office. Legal aid has been cut to the bone everywhere. What is the process? I fear for every child Here, In the dead of night someone will spill the beans. What a Stasi ran country Scotland has become, the further we go down the rabbit hole in Scotland the more Orwellian it becomes, Ill never look at Scotland again and think (well as long as Sturgeon and her corrupt regime is in charge) what a great wee fair country it is. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Wings Over Scotland is a (mainly) Scottish political media digest and monitor, which also offers its own commentary. Hence, we get to where we are now very, very quickly and easily. I wonder, what are our chances of re-entering the European Union now? After all he was her mentor and a personal friend, to imagine she would be involved in any smear campaign defies belief. David Lyon says: Shes not a secret person. The more I see, the more I think we will not just need a new regional indy party (ISP), but a new constituency party too. Chelsea Lately, Scare Tactics, After Lately. Written submission from Police Scotland received on 20th January , https://www.parliament.scot/HarassmentComplaintsCommittee/20210120PoliceScotlandtoConvener(1).pdf. Youve heard her name before. Tell me how can you square that circle? You cant ask an entire country full of people to unlearn and never again think or speak of something they know. Thankfully got them just before Lanarkshire stopped elective surgery. What is this smoking gun and how does it tie into testimony provided by key witness Leslie Evans? Im reminded of the three stooges. That was meant as a joke, but suddenly things dont seem funny any more. Just published on the written evidence page today . To all of the Holly-Willies who think Scottish Law is still revered..it isnt. Pretty sure all true patriots would move heaven and earth to repatriate you as reward for services rendered in the delivery of Scottish Independence. By saying the person is a woman hes helped me eliminate half the possibilities. Nothing stays secret forever- even secrets. This attack on Salmond from SNP allowed them to do that. I know that may be very naive but I dont see the Inquiry having the powers of a High Court, pretty sure in the High Court key witnesses dont get to contribute the equivalent of Let me phone in in my pyjamas and give shrugs instead of answers after thousands of pounds spent coaching me. I take it, Rev, that one such threat in the form of an email or letter landed this morning, giving you the proverbial shot across the bows? Curiously, if you do a Twitter search for the suspected name, it returns no results. Curiously, if you do a Twitter search for the suspected name, it returns no results. Even though it is from yesterday, I think it really encapsulates the utter nonsense going on. So for example I would be Darny Shubs. We will report to the Police anyway. Ill go first. So what have you been up to? Its nothing to do with anything. We do not pre-moderate or monitor readers comments appearing on our websites, but we do post-moderate in response to complaints we receive or otherwise when a potential problem comes to our attention. HP10 9TY. Tom Harris 7 November 2022 12:52pm. As far as I can see, the first time it was mentioned on Twitter was on March 27, 2021, the day Alex Salmond launched Alba. Had it been down to the Scottish Government or the Crown Office theyd both be rotting in a cell.. While the nation waits with bated breath for Nicola Sturgeon to provide evidence for the high profile inquiry, Dangerfield believes there is more than enough evidence and contradictory testimony to implicate Sturgeon in the conspiracy against Salmond. https://sputniknews.com/podcasts-tommy-talks/202101211081827199-a-political-witch-hunt/. So enraged 20 Mar 2023. Yeah Criminal Age of Responsibility in Scotland is 12, need to be 13 for your own FB a/c. 5. We are making the subscriber-only change to support our valued readers, who tell us they don't want the site cluttered up with irrelevant comments, untruths and abuse. Its risibly easier to identify someone who suddenly stops being mentioned by all and sundry. Would that real journalists take up this scandal and bring it to the fore. My understanding is that anyone resident outside the UK can say whatever they want (but NOT in the comments on my website, just to be clear, because Im responsible for that, not them) and are not subject to any Scottish or English court order. of course thoughtcrime won`t be abused by out judiciary no siree our incorruptible judiciary no siree ` abused` how could you think such a thing. The Convener wrote to the Chief Constable on 23 December 2020 regarding any involvement from Police Scotland in the development of the procedure and in the handling of complaints: https://www.parliament.scot/HarassmentComplaintsCommittee/General%20documents/20201223ConvenertoPoliceScotland(2).pdf. Also, I wonder if MSPs have parliamentary privilege to say the name of someone with a court injunction against revealing their identity, like the Ryan Giggs incident? But I am not a lawyer. Websebastian il divo girlfriend 122 Rue du Vieux Bourg, 42340 Veauchette; brevard public schools payroll schedule 04 77 75 41 06 Is this coincidental? Scotlands new national Anthem to be Nothing Ever Happens by Del Amitri, The needle returns to the start of the song and we all sing along like before, How about we get this level of anonymity for the accused in trials of sexual misconduct. It is no good. Innocuously named zipfile on megauploads? The present, the future, Neither is good for the independence movement. [redacted]s [redacted], [red][acted], is a former [redacted] to [redacted]. But Im also not a lawyer so dont take my word for that. Nicola Sturgeon's awkward sex joke on Loose Woman. The trivial way of doing so is well known, publish it somewhere beyond the reach of Scots Law, the example I gave is also a lesser known modification of that technique. I remember when a certain footballer (Id name him but really cant remember his name) obtained a super-injunction but the Scottish papers named him due to the injunction not extending to Scotland. That particular woman should be in the dock herself, but fo the life of me I cannot understand why she isnt. Come to think of it I have had two missed calls from an unknown number Id best practice not thinking of large Proboscitea. Aye, but keep the story absolutely true, spill the beans and tell the absolute truth in every lurid detail, but just withold the code sheet which allows any of the the codenames to be deciphered. Wings may be accused of Jigsaw identification. We have a fixed budget and yes there are many problems. 21 January, 2021 at 11:56 am See Photos. Sorry I meant if you click on Latest results with the full name in quotes you get no results. I would not be surprised if some bad person/persons spraypaint her name on bridge flyovers.lol. So to say its all corrupt is definitely wrong. This just so bloody ridiculous now and I really ealy dont give runny shite in a Daily Mail about who Madame A, B, C, through H to X, Y, z is, I do. Either get rid of the present ruling elite and preserve whats left of Scottish Law, or accept that Scottish Law is now a working organ of Holyrood and Victoria Quay. Just about to tweet link to this suggest everyone does likewise via whatever platforms they use. Have MPs or MSPs been threatened with court or prison ? I mean, how is it done? I think El Birdo Mysterioso is Joan Burnie, the 80s manhater Daily Record columinst, and I claim my ten quid. The thing is that there are plenty of scandals in Scotland, and theres been more than a few cover ups over the years, so you can understand, perhaps, why people are so willing to believe any old rubbish they hear on the internet. Sorry I didnt see your posting from the Belfast Telegraph. I remember Alan Rough speaking on the Euan and Roughie show telling us that Rangers Football Club would be put into administration,,, about two years before it happened. Dont say ANYONEs name. By saying the person is a woman hes helped me eliminate half the possibilities. As a virtual friend, might I recommend you rent a small cottage on an island that I have been lucky enough stay at many times? Like using words that rhyme with other words say or we jumble up the letters into an anagram or we create a long sentence where the first letter of every word spells out another word. If those protected witnesses continue to harass and make sly innuendo, then there is an argument that they lose their own anonymity. O/T (sorry!) It will make fun going through a telephone directory seeing all the names redacted and comparing it with an older version. And (not) speaking of unpersons, official SNP history is trying to make Alex Salmond one of those, having disappeared him from party versions of history. And I imagine that by dint of her position, her name might be mentioned again in some context or another. Posted on March 22, 2023 by March 22, 2023 by Technology means that readers can shape a discussion. I used to say everytime Corporate HR said, We are here to help. Socrates MacSporran Conservative activist Candace Owens claimed there were photos of the gunman cross-dressing, and claimed this was evidence that there were plenty of signs that he was mentally disturbed. Stu of course) any degree of protection in the event that we accidentally said something which the authorities in Scotland found objectionable? Oh, hang on, if it is a super injunction, you are not allowed to say so either, hence the name. Thanks. Aside from this, and in relation to the Scottish governments attempts at cover up of corruption, their is a good summary of how the enquiry is being deliberately stymied by the Scottish Government, in the Belfast Telegraph. Stu, is the blocking of the Aberdein evidence enough to collapse the Salmond Inquiry? Is this a so-called super-injunction if such things still exist? You cant stop names being whispered in pubs unless you have a state apparatus of neighbourhood spies everywhere. If they do then does that mean there might be others who also know where they were and from that would that be proof of perjury and an attempt to pervert the course of justice? Nah, Isa canny keep a secret:) , Hardly pedantic tho, theres three Stooges and only two Abbot and Costellos, hardly a minor detail. I dont know why the link isnt working as it opens fine for me . Can we mention the other one? So enraged was the First Minister that she threw an iron at her wayward lover. One of the reasons such things do not happen in the United Kingdom is that the House and its Committees are scrupulous about respecting the boundary between their role and that of the prosecuting authorities.. So my mind has been elsewhere! I think this has been a confection all of the Murrells and Swinney. When I saw the headline the-woman-who-doesnt-exist- I thought it was about me! 13 for your own FB a/c somewhere spill the beans is after all, the remit First! 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